Late Nights

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In this your the Seavey's sister and there's no Anna. Your in between Christian and Daniel.

Oscar's Pov

"I really fucked up. I really really fucked up. I messed up, I was drunk and I-I I yelled, I think I pushed her, I-I t-think I kicked her out..." I said to the boys as I cry and hold my head in my hands. Christian looks like he's gonna snap my neck. Will and Dylan look disapointed. Tyler's veins are popping out of his neck and arms. Daniel looks like he's gonna cry. Crawford amd the girls are on their phones calling everyone trying to see if anyone knew where she was.

"Well, lucky you you fucking asshole, you made my fucking sister get lost. Your lucky I don't kill you right fucking now." Christian says. Daniel just crys into Tyler's shoulder and Tyler looks at Christian. They nod at each other and Christian takes Daniel to another room.

"What the fuck Oscar? I give you a chance. One fucking chance to date y/n. ONE. And what do you do? You fucking kick her out. She's still getting used to the city, she doesn't even have a fucking car!" Tyler yells at me.

Jc walks over to Tyler and motions for him to leave with Dyl and Will. They leave and Jc walks over to me.

"I-I'm s-so fucking s-sorry J-Jc. I didn't think and I fucked up... I was drunk and  I was mad at something a-and I-" "Save it Oscar. Don't apologise to me, don't cry to me, just tell me what you remember right now before I sic the Seaveys on your sorry ass." Jc says

So, I start to tell him what I remember

Y/n's Pov

Earlier, Oscar, my boyfriend, kicked me out of our apartment, well his and I'm staying there until I can officially move into mine. He's drunk yes but, that doesn't give him any right to scream and yell at me and I think he pushed me? I grab my backpack and threw in a couple changes of clothes, a water bottle, and some other things. I ran out the door and texted Bobby to pick me up.

I asked Bobby to not tell anyone where I went. He just stared ahead at the road and took me to his appartment. When we got there, he just said nothing and went to bed. I fell asleep in the guest bedroom with tears in my eyes.

*time skip*

I wake up this morning with a billion texts and missed phone calls. I look at my voicemails. The majority are saying "call me back if you get this", and "please come back". I ignore the text messages and roll out of bed.

When I walk downstairs, Bobby's sitting at the table and Cap wags his tail and comes over to me. "Hey y/n, I need to tell them you're here.." I pet Dicaprio (is that how you spell it?) "Uh, why? How about I tell them I'm safe and go from there?" He hands me a plate of food. I immeadiately start eating.

"Daniel's crying, he's having panic attacks, Tyler and Christian want to kill Oscar, Jc's asking Oscar stuff about uh last night, and the girls and Crawford are calling and texting everyone that isn't over there right now. Y/n, they're really worried... I mean, please like go home? Or-" Bobby gets cut off by his phone ringing. "Hello? Oh Crawford, yeah, uh huh, yes... no, she really doesn't... seriously? Wow, anyway yeah she's here... yeah okay, she'll be home soon, like Seavey's house home... yeah i get it... okay, bye." "Really Boob? I can't face them..." "At least go to your brothers' house y/n." "NO they'll send me with mom and dad, i'll never get to see anyone again, i'll be put in college for something stupid I Don't even wanna do..."

"We're going, y/n go get ready and come on."


I purposely take forever to get ready.

*time skip because idk where this is going.*

Bobby carries me to the tesla and throws my stuff in the backseat. "I still can't fucking believe Oscar threw you out." "This is why I came here Bob, I got kicked out, It's not like I asked you to pick me up and sleep over for no reason."

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