Kian Lawley - you're okay

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Y/n's Pov

Kian bursts through the door and pushes past me. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask. I follow him through the apartment and he slams our bedroom door.

I just give him space and watch the mac n cheese I was making for our supper. I hear my phone ringing so chack it and answer Jc.

On phone*

-Hey, uh Kian's upset

Yeah, I know a little bit too late of a warning there Jc

-well i lost the footage of the edited video Kian did... we have all the raw footage but it'll take over a solid day to edit it back down again

Well, did you explain yourself and not poke and prod at him


You know how stressed Ki is with everything coming up and still trying to make some content. He literally edits everything and you loosing that footage fucks everything up!

-y/n just please. I sent some footage to Anderson and I'm editing what I can right now. I'm sorry, Crawford and Corey needed my camera and shit and something went wrong when I started uploading the footage to YouTube and everything is fucked.... i'm stressing too but Kian gets way worse than I do over everything.

I'll fix it Jc, right now i'm burning my noodles I gotta go... bye Jc

-bye y/n/n, tell Kian I'm sorry

End phone call*

I turn off the noodles and put the lid on and stick it in the oven so it'll hopefully stay warm. I take my hair out of the messy bun it's in and take off the jacket of mine I had on. I walk down the hall amd lightly knock on the door.

"Kian?" I ask. I hear sniffles on the other side of the door. I go to twist the handle and find that it's locked. "Can I come in bear?" Bear is the nickname I gave Kian when we were little kids because he was always a lot bigger than me and everyone thought he was mean and scary. No response. I find a bobby pin and fiddle with the lock.

I slowly open the door to see Kian on his side of the bed with his head in his hands trying not to cry. I walk over, sit on my knees, and run my hands on his thighs. He looks at me with tears in his eyes and doesn't move. I move his hands and move in between his legs. He goes to push me away but, I cup his cheeks and kiss him passionately.

When we pull away, I put my forehead aginst his and rubs our noses. "Hey, I know what happened. I know you're stressed. Jc called and apologised like twenty times on the short phone call we had. Jc and Ando are working on it love." I lean back again and just hold his hands in mine.

"I-I I can't d-do t-th-this a-anym-more. J-jc does s-so m-much shit t-to f-fuck with m-me a-and I-" Kian starts gasping for air. I stand up and pull him down on our bed. "Breathe Bear... breathe" I start taking deep breaths to get him to copy me. "Shh shh, hey... bear, look at me please bear." I say when Kian starts to calm down. He looks at me and wipes his eyes.

You see Kian has never been good at dealing with his emotions. He doesn't know how to express them very well, and hates looking or feeling vulnerable around people. He like, never crys when he's sad and, just bottles his feelings up inside until they burst out and he gets mad or has a panic attack.

"Beary, I love you. You've been getting better with your emotions and talking to me. I'm so proud Bear." He wraps his arms around me and sniffles. I kiss his head and say, "i made our childhood favorite bear." He looks at me and immeadiately rolls out of bed. I laugh as he takes off down the hall and slides into our kitchen. I follow him out and see he's getting bowls and a spoon and a fork. I grab the pan out of the oven and scoop some out into each bowl. I take the one with a fork and sit down.

"Hey, look at me and smile." I say as I quickly take a picture of him.

" I say as I quickly take a picture of him

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"Hey, nooo delete that.... I look awfullll." "No you look sexy. Now, It's gonna go on my insta." I post it and just smile at Kian while stuffing my face. He takes a picture. "HEY" "That's going on my insta now too." He laughs. I make a pouty face and he just kisses my forehead. 

"I love you bub"

"I love me too Kian."

"That's not what you're supposed to say!"

"Whatever bear, get your sexy ass over here and kiss me"


"Fine I'll walk my sexy ass over there and steal one"

"I'm cool with that"


"You made the choice to date me"

"That still doesn't mean you're not weird"

"Yeah, but you like my weird so HAH"

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