Get away from her NOW!

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Sorry if i use this picture too much but I love it SO SO SO FUCKING MUCH,


TW ⚠️ violence, abuse, and hurtful words and as always swearing
Background info- you have an abusive bf and shiz

anyway now you can get on with the story...

Crawford's Pov

Rise and Shiineee Rise n shhiinneee (the meme is your alarm)

I go to get out of bed and as I go to stand up, my leg gets tangled in my comforter. THUD.

"OW!" "Crawf are you okay?" Oscar asks as he pops his head into my room. "Yeah but now my head hurts...." I say as I attempt to get out of my mess of sheets and pounds of blankets on my floor. "Crawf I don't get why you keep so many things on your bed when you literally use ONE blanket." Oscar says as he comes over and pulls my blanket pile off of my legs. "I- I actually have no idea." I say as Oscaf offers me his hand. I take it and say, "Grab some blankets and help me take them to the laundry room." as i pull myself off of the floor.

Ring rong aRiNg Rong Ringy Dingy

My phone goes off with y/n's ringtone (she recorded it herself once when she was drunk with us). "I should get that" "k imma take these to the washer"

💙-you 💜-crawford
*on phone with crawfart*

💜 Yo!sup?

💙 Uh crawford? could you come over and bring backup please?

💜 what? Why?

💙 Well i said something and we were fighting and it's scary and I can't get him to calm down... please hurry up i'm home alone with him

💜 okay shit well i'll text people and shit and we'll be over

💙 i texted christian already and he's on his way but w-

💜 y/n/n? Y/n.

💙 just please hurry nezza and everyone is on their way and you know how he can get when he's pissed but this is a whole new level of pissed off that i've never seen before i got scared and am in hiding and he's throwing something....

*in background*

Y/n? Where are you? Come out come out wherever you are.... If you come out now, i won't punish you so bad....

💜 y/f/n just call the fucking cops and get him in jail

💙 they don't believe me crawf

I'm calling the cops   

💜 yo stay on the phone your on speaker okay? Just stay on the phone.

Start recording the audio crawf, then you can save her life from Thomas and get her as your own girlfriend and help her get better...

"Yo Oscar gimme your phone so i can call someone..." "what? No way you have your own phone" "y/n is hiding from tom and im on the pho-" "here 911 is already being called as we speak"

Okay so i was re reading this from when i wrote it at 3 am and idk if i like it but i haven't posted in a bit so here ya go? ? Do you want me to keep going or something? I polly won't cuz i gotta think up a pt 2 to the chritin one ixve done and write ones for at least wyl and dyl... anyway i love you and you are worth it all. 💙

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