Corey La Barrie

642 12 12

I might try smut soon.... i still don't know

Also, Dyl's 25? What the fuck? Why was i thinkin' he was like 30 or some shit? It's the beard... yup


You call your bf Corey and your sick... thats basically it
Y/n's Pov

I shoot up out in my bed, I imeadiately reget moving. This sharp pain in my lower abdomen shoots up my sides. I curl up in a ball trying to get the pain to go away. I feel bile rise in mt thoat, I swallow the feeling and I feel tears in my eyes. I grab my phone and check the time. 2:30 am, well shit... I try to text Corey my  boyfriend, but I get more pain but this time it's in my lower back. Fuck that, I'll call him...

I click his contact and call him. He picks up.

"Hello,"  He says with a sleepy voice


"Y/n, bub, why the fuck are you calling me 1. At almost 3am and 2. We live like 5 minutes away."

"Help me"


"I- hurts" I cry out because I can't move or it hurts

"Is it what I think it is?"

"Uh huh"

"Kay, hold on babe, i'm comin over."

*end call*

I hear Corey open the door and walk over to me. "Can I turn on the light?" I nod, to in pain to do anything else, my eyes are stil watering. He turns on my light and looks over at me.

He's used to dealing with me like this because we grew up together and now we're dating.  I was a foreign exchange student in my honors class in elementary school and I was hosted by the La Barries'. Then, I went back in high school. Now like 6 years later, we're dating.

Corey comes back over and tucks me in even more, kisses my forehead, and goes into my bathroom. My cheeks go red as I hear the water turn on. Once Corey comes back, he uncovers me and picks me up bridal style. I cry into his shoulder. "Shh shh baby, your okay, i know it hurts. Can you get undressed by yourself?" I don't move. "I'll take that as a no then y/n/n..." He says as he helps me stand up. I double over in pain about to fall on the ground.

Corey grabs me and helps me get mostly undressed. "I'll get you in the bath and you just relax, I'm gonna go downstairs and get you some heating pads and medicine. I'll be back." Corey says as he kisses my forehead. I feel like absolute shit.

I pretty much crawl into the bathtub. Corey turned the lights out and put my led lights on a darker color so I was more comfortable.

Yes you have leds in your bathroom... cuz i do

Corey's Pov

Y/n woke up again with a fever. She gets like this almost every winter. I'd know 'cause I pretty much grew up with her.

I quickly grab the heating pads from the closet and some of her favorite snacks, I also grab a water bottle and tylenol.

I go into y/n's room and set down the stuff on her desk in the corner, then I get her a change of clothes. A pair of sweats, her underwear, amd one of my hoodies that she stole a while ago.

I lightly knock on her bathroom door and walk in. I set her change of clothes down astart to walk out. Y/n calls my name softly. "Yeah y/n/n?" "Nevermind..." "Okay, lemme know if you need anything. I'm gonna throw your sheets in the wash." I say as I walk out.

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