Dylan Statham

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Y/n's Pov

"So, someone, I didn't catch your @, but they asked for advice on telling someone your in love with them." I say as I look at anyone for input.

"Telling someone you are in love with, that you are in love with them is one of the hardest things to do. Believe me, I'd know." Dylan starts. "It's been over 10 years since I fell in love with someone, and she still doesn't know..." I hear gasps around the room of our friends amd chat's going crazy. "Yes, I know you're thinking '10 YEARS WHAT?' Yeah, me too. But I had to push my feelings aside because she is one of my closest friends ever and I really didn't wanna ruin our friendship."

Closest friends, 10 years, girl, falling in love, ME? DYLAN LOVES ME? Oh dear lord, why am i so stupid... I've liked him for soooo long

"I mean I tried dropping hints, but if that person doesn't pick up on them, I'd say just go for it. Well, no don't just out of the blue say you love them but, get to know them in person first at least be friends. Then make a move..." Dylan says as he looks at the chat going wild with assumptions. He reads one and goes red like, more red than a fire truck.

"Dyl, which one did you read?" Oscar asks as he walks over closer to chat.

"Guys, i'm gonna go... get a drink. Anyone want anything?" I ask as a excuse to leave because I went red too. "Yeah, I'll take another whiteclaw." Will says

After I get the guys' drink orders, I realise I can't carry them all without dropping them on the way back. "Uh, i'll need help getting them.. 'Cause we don't have anymore whiteclaw, you buffoons drank it all" I say nervously, hoping that Dyl won't offer to help. "I'll help" shit

I walk with Dyl out to my jeep and I say, "Dyl?" "Huh? What?" He asks. I turn on my jeep and the fiber-optic lights I have in the celing turn on. "Woah I forgot you had those." He says as he looks up. "Well, um shit, how do I do this..." I trail off as we come to the stop sign. "What's wrong booger?" Dyl says. "Really Pickle, really? Childhood nicknames, really?" "Yes, but actually though, what's wrong?"

Now or never....

"Well, about your answer to the question, uh any um shit, anychanceitwasaboutme'causeilikeyoutooifthatswhoyoumeantbutifnotitsokandilljustcurlinaballanddie." I spew out all at oncde. "Woah woah woah huh? I didn't get all of that" He says as we get the the store. "Nevermind, it was stupid and dumb and let's just hurry up, please?" I ask as we park in the parking lot. I feel tears coming, I hurry up and wipe them away. "No, y/n what's wrong?" "N-nothing Dyl, why?" "'Cause you're literally crying, and you're jumbling your words, and stuttering which you only do when you're upset." He says. "Y/n I know your upset but, I won't force it out of you. You can talk to me any time. Well, not now 'cause the guys'll get pissed if we don't get their whiteclaws." I force a laugh, wipe my tears and drag him into Costco.

"Okay, I was just texted a list from Jc about everything that people need for the house..." I say as Dylan grabs a cart. "Whiteclaw, malibu, and a bunch of other random shit..." I say as I put on my mask. We go around the store grabbing the items amd Dyl says, "I gotta go pee i'll be right back okay?" And he takes off.

"Okay then..." I say

Weirdo, anyway now to get the other shit.... who the hell wants a 5 gallon bucket of canola oil?

Dyl's Pov

I just left y/n with the excuse of needing to pee but, I'm actually going to get her flowers... Her favorite flowers are sunflowers, white roses, and buttercups (or your favorite flowers) and I hope they have some of something close to one of those...

I walk around the store the long way to the front so y/n couldn't see me.
I find the flowers and they surprisingly have ones with sunflowers... they like, never have sunflowers.

I grab it and pay for it along with some of her favorite candies and chocolates. I quickly run out to her jeep and use the key I took off of her lanyard and unlock the door and put the bag at my side on the floor. I go back inside and see her looking at her phone. I sneak back to near the bathroom and check my phone as I walk to her. "Hey, sorry I took so long." I say.

Y/n's Pov

"Hey, sorry I took so long, there was a couple people waiting." Dyl says as I see him walk up to me. " s'okay pickle, let's just hurry up, the guys are texing me about us." I say as I begin to walk to the checkout.

*time skip to the car*

I open the jeep and begin putting my groceries in the back. Dyl for some reason goes to the front and leaves me to attempt to put everything away. "Dyl! What the hell? I can't lift this thing." I say. Dyl still ignores me I look and see he's on his phone. I tear up again and I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me.

What if he actually doesn't like me? What if he likes someone else? Why would he like me anyway? There are so many better girls out there.

I see Dyl get out of the passenger side but I can't move, I feel my chest get tight and my vision is blured by tears. "Hey, y/n look at me" I hear Dylan say. I wipe my face and my chest loosen. I look up at Dylan. "I- I'm so fucking in love with you, I don't now how else to say it. This probably isn't really the time or the place but, I'm sick of hiding it anymore. Y/f/n I am in love with you and I have been since we were kids. Now, you don't have to say anything and I-I just needed to get that off of my chest." He says with the most concern and the most genuine, loving look i've ever seen.

"I-I ju- Dylan, I- I'm so fucking in love with you. You don't even realise. I tried to say something. I've tried to say something for the longest time. I always thought that I wasn't g-good en- enough f-for y-ou." I manage to stutter out as I tear up again. Dyl pulls me into a hug and we stand there for a little bit.

"I know this isn't the most romantic place but, I mean I got you these." He says as he pulls out a bouquet of my favorite flowers, and my favorite sweets. "Damn, when did you do this Dyl." I giggle. "Will you let me take you out on a proper, date some time?" Dyl asks with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, I mean, I guess..." I say as Dyl grabs the cart and takes it back as I close the jeep up and get in.

On the way home, we just held hands and talked about where we wanted to go for our quarentine/social distancing date.

*time skip to c4 house*

"What took you guys so long?" "Yeah, what the hell?" "Our whole stream has been without you two and you two can give the best advice on somethings." Everyone complains, "Yo be quiet, I got you your whiteclaws, your malibu and all your other random shit that was on your list." I say as Dylan and I walk in the room with bags on our arms and a case of whiteclaw.

"Whatever, just get in here. I'm thirsty. Where'd you get those flowers booger?" Will asks and Dylan just smiles.

Sorry for format issues but wattpad is being awful today....

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