Cookin' Wit' Harrie and Ando

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Your Kian's little sister.

Y/n's Pov

I get woken up by a loud pot being hit with a wooden spoon. I groan and push Kian away from my bed. "Go. The fuck. AWAY KIAN It's TOO EARLY FOR YOUR BULL!" I yell. "But that means you loose time with us." Someone says.

I look up as Kian has set down the pot and spoon to see my two favorite people ever. "Harry! Andy! When? Wha- what the fuck?" I hop out of bed and pretty much tackle the two boys. "Woah, y/n/n chill the fuck out. Don't kill them they just got here." Jc says. I look over Anderson's shoulder and roll my eyes at him.

Harry kisses my cheek like he always does and I kiss Anderson's cheek like I always do. This time he turns red and Jc giggles. "Okay, let me go get ready and not look like this." I motion to my pajamas. "You look great y/n" Harrison says with a smile on his face. "Nah nah nah, she looks like she fell off the turnip truck, into mud, and got run over by a semi truck at least eight times." Kian says. I make a face and roll my eyes. Andy giggles and Harry laughs. Jc and I high five and Kian just smiles at me.

"Okay, out. Out out out." I say as I push everyone out. "Gimme like 20 minutes." "That's forever." "Says the one that took 3 hours to get in the shower yesterday." (I do that alllll the time cuz ill get distracted by my phone...)

I quickly pick an outfit from my drawers and run into the bathroom. I turn on my music and the water. I make sure it's hot enough and I hop in.

*after the shower*

I wrap the towel around me as I get out of my shower. I peek out the door to  make sure someone isn't in my room and I hop over the mess that is my room and I lock my door.

I put on the base to my outfit and I go into my closet for the final piece.


I grab the overshirt and toss my hair into a messy bun

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I grab the overshirt and toss my hair into a messy bun. I put on a small amount of makeup and pop my head out the door, I don't see or hear anything which is never good in the KnJ household. I slip on a pair of socks and slide out into the hallway.

"Hey, there's my small ass sister!" Kian exclaims as I walk into the kitchen. I flip him off as I grab a banana. I peel it as I walk over to Anderson and Harrison. "What're we doing today?" I say as I lean on Anderson. "W-well, we c-could film together." Andy says "Cause the fans love it when the golden trio is together." "Yeah! good idea Ando. We can cook something! Or something." Harrison says and I laugh.

"Well, K 'n J need too go to Bobby's house to film something with Bob and Corey and Crawford..... maybe Fran too but, I dunno." Kian says as he looks at Jc with a grin on his face. Jc looks at me and Anderson and just smiles. I look at Andy looking at me and we both make a confused face at each other amd look at everyone who just bursts out laughing.

I roll my eyes as I walk out of the kitchen and down the hall into my room. The boys know that I like Anderson, well except for Anderson. I told Harry because he keeps secrets and he's my best friend. However, either Kian or Jc was listening in on our conversation and now they know too. I said that I'd cut off their toes and make each other eat them if they told Andy or anyone else. Honestly, I don't know how they haven't told anyone....

I grab my phone and flop on my bed opening twitter as I go.

*time skip*

"Y/N/N! WE ARE LEAVING YOU HERE WITH HARRISON AND ANDY BYE I LOVE YOU STUPID!" Kian yells as he walk out the door. "LOVE YOU TOO STUPID!" I yell back as he closes the door.

"So... what're we gonna make?" I ask as I see Harrison setting out food from the cabinets. "Uh... I don't know. Kian said there should be stuff to make cookies or cake... Oh found 'em!" He sets out the baking stuff Kian and I bought about a week ago.

"Hey y/n, w-where's the uh camera and s-stuff." Anderson says as I walk over to the counter. "Uh... Over here. I don't know why it's still set up in the living room when they haven't filmed here in at least a week..." I say as Anderson and I start grabbing the camera and stuff.

*time skip*

"Hey guys! I'm Y/n Lawley and today... I HAVE THE WEBB BROTHERS WITH MEEEEE!" I yell as Harrison and Anderson hop into frame. "The golden trio IS BACK BABY!" Harry adds. "And t-today we are BAKING SOME FREAKING COOKIES or cake? I really don't know..." Andy says. "Well, WITH NO RECIPE!" Harry yells "WHY ARE WE STILL YELLING?!" I yell and the boys laugh.

"Whatever... Harry go grab the eggs and Andy go wash your hands." I say as I grab the measuring cups.

*time skip*

A/n sorry for the time skips but idrk how to bake cookies so we're going with this...

"We didn't add enough of something..." I say as I poke at the cookie dough. Harrison tastes the dough and makes a face. "How much salt did you two add?" I shrug. "Well, it's wayyy too much. Gimme this." He says as he grabs something and adds it in the bowl. I taste it and let a little moan. "That is good." I swipe another piece and Harrison takes the bowl. "No, you need to put them on the tray not freaking eat it all." "Mate, let her eat some. You eat most of the dough when we make cookies anyway." Andy says and I smile at him and slide the tray over.

"Okay, now all we need to do is put these on the tray and stick them in the oven" I say as I hear the oven beep. "That's the oven..." Andy says as Harrison  starts putting balls of dough on the tray.

When we fill the tray, I grab a hunk of dough and throw it and laugh when it splatters on Harrison's face. He grabs a piece and throws it at me and it hits my face. Andy laughs as I turn around to run but I slide on some wrapper. I fall in what feels like slow motion and I brace for impact.

I don't hit the ground. I open my eyes and I see Anderson smiling at me with his arms around me. I blush and he turns a deeper shade of red that I didn't know exsisted. He helps me stand up but doesn't let go of me. His eyes flicker to my lips and back up to meet my eyes.

I cup his face and lean in. I pause but he crashes his lips onto mine and I hear claps and a camera go off. I smile into the kiss and we pull away. "Damn mate, didn't know you could do that." Harrison says and I look away from Anderson to see Harrison, Jc, Kian with a camera, Crawford, and more people trying to see what's happening.

"Really Kian, really?" I ask sarcastically as I lean into Anderson's arm. "Yes, this is going on your wall and I'm sending this to mom at least, maybe post it to instagram or somewhere." He smirks and I flip him off.

"Put the freaking cookies in the oven Lawley. You can kiss Andy later." Jc says and both Kian and I look at him. Kian facepalms and I stick the tray in the oven. "The camera caught all that mate." Harrison says to Andy. "I'll edit it out." "Andy." I tug on his sleeve. "Huh?" "You should add a shovel." I laugh and he lets go of me. "No nope no. No more shovels." He puts up his hands. "Whatever you fool. Come here and kiss me." I say as I pull him in again.

Mkay, do I add in the Webb Brothers to the book?

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