William Hadaddin

997 9 2

Tw⚠️ self harm, suicidal thoughts, swearing

I was in the bathroom at my boyfriend's house that he lives in with too many other boys and only 1 girl. I wasn't having a good day, in between my verbally abusive boss and co-workers and all the hate from Will and I going public. I also already suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and depression so, LIFE IS GREAT!

I look down at my phone again

Who let you get THIS fat like seriously (y/n), come on. I geuss you really are a fat worthless attention seeking whore.

(A/n) NO ONE IS LIKE THIS you are beautiful in your own way and if anyone EVER i mean EVER needs anything pls just pm me on here...

What does Will even see in you? He is WAAAAAAYYYYY out of your league

"Babe?" I hear Will say. "Y/n/n? Where are you baby?" I hear London walk over and sit at the door of the bathroom.


I grab a towel and quickly wipe my face to get the tears off. "I'm using the bathroom babe, I'll be out in a minute." I say as I look in the mirror one more time.

Slut, worthless, why are you even here?

"Ugh stop please just get out of my head" I whisper as flush the toilet and wash my hands. "Babe you were taking forever. Did you have to poop?" He asks as I walk out of the bathroom. (A/n) kinda feel like he'd say that so...)

"Yeah Will, totally took the BIGGEST POOP of the century." I say sarcasticly as I sit on the floor beside London. London seems to know what's happening and she curls up tight aginst my side. "London" Will scoffs. "Babygirl, why are your eyes red?" "I'm just tired is all." I say. "I doubt that." He says "Babe I'm fine." I lie as I get up to walk out the door. "No, you're not fine, come 'ere princess" He says to me as I walk into the bathroom. "Not you London" "No Will, leave me alone" "I think I deserve to know what's going on with my girlfriend." " Will just please, I'm fine." "Whatever. Just go be a little bitch somewhere else because no one here fucking cares." He says.

I feel tears coming back to my eyes and this time I don't stop them.

"Y/n. Babe please come here." He says as London walks into the bathroom and I go in behind her and close the door. "Y/n/n i'm sorry" he says as I lock the door.

If you kill yourself now, no one will care... absolutely no one.

But London is in here so I mean... I can't really do anything

Then let her out

No. No way.

London looks at me and at the door and nudges me to the door. "What London?" I say. She just looks at the door. "Unlock it?" She just looks at the door. "No London, Will doesn't deserve an apology right away. You know that princess" I say to London and she looks up at me and nudges me to sit down. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I say as I sit down. "Woof" she says "London, you know I can't speak doggo." "Woof" "Whatever, I will NOT apologise to him." "Woof woof" "Oh, so just talk to you? Cuz I can do that one." "Woof woof bark" "Okay, here goes nothing..."

Will's pov

I really fucked up like REALLY fucked up. I yelled at y/n, and got the look of awfulness from London. It was like a disapointed parent look. I still can't fucking believe what I said, or y/n and London's bond. I asked y/n to be my girlfriend with the help of London. Why? Why did I say that? She was broken and I started to help fix her and she has trust issues and Man i really just fucked up didn't I?

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