Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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Author's POV

Elrintyse: Okay, just focus on concentrating and it will form in your hands.

Y/N: You wanna tell me why we are doing this?

Today is just like any other day for Y/N and Elrintyse. Training, training, and more training. Usually they were train together, and by together I mean Y/N using Elrintyse as a sword. But this time is different. Today, it's more like Y/N being the student and Elrintyse being the teacher. Elrintyse is teaching Y/N to form Dark Energy in his hands. Y/N was making some progress, being able to form the Dark Energy but only for a short amount of time. Today, Elrintyse is going to teach him not only to form Dark Energy for a long time but also to shoot the Dark Energy.

Elrintyse: We both know that you'll need a trick or two up your sleeve

Y/N: Yeah you're right, but I could summon you with literally saying "Summon and Come Forth your name." and you'll turn to a sword. Isn't that a trick up my sleeve.

Elrintyse: That may be true, but what if we face someone that is really experienced with a sword or any melee weapon. We both know you don't stand a chance.

Y/N: Yeah... I guess your right

Elrintyse: Besides you're almost there. See I told you it's gonna take you a couple a tries.

Y/N: I'm not sure if 22 is a "couple of tries"

Y/N went back to forming the Dark Energy ball in his hands. It was small like all the other ones he formed but he was able to hold it longer than all the other ones he tried.

Elrintyse: Perfect! You're able to hold it longer than usual. Now aim it towards the rock that you set up.

Y/N then turn his body to the rock he set up for target practice. His whole face is sweating from all the focus and convent he has to do. He aims at the rock and releases the small dark energy ball. Once the ball made contact with the rock, the rock was smashed into pieces. Y/N saw the damage and smiled before getting on his knees, breathing heavily.

Elrintyse: It's okay, you're okay. Take a break, I know how hard it is when you just started.

Y/N: *chuckles* yet when you are in control, you made it look easy.

Elrintyse: That's because I'm a natural!

Y/N let out a laugh as he crawls his way to his water bottle. He opens it quickly and drinks away. After he finishes, he just rest on the floor. His breathing was slowed down a bit and he can't move since his body is drained. He then thinks of the incident that happened 11 years ago. The images of his parents lifeless bodies just keep coming back to him, replaying in his mind.

Y/N: Hey Elrintyse? When the time comes, when we find out who did all of this... Do you think we be ready?

Elrintyse: Honestly, if we knew who did this then yeah we can take him or her out. But since we don't know what kind of person we dealing with, it's hard to say. We can't just train not only to take care of our business. Someday there might be someone stronger that we have to face. I guess you can say that it's fate that controls our lives and- I'm sorry I'm talking nonsense but-

Y/N: *laughs* it's okay, I completely understand what you're saying. For a succubus, you sure act like a teenager.

Elrintyse: *laughs* You silly moron, I am a teenager. Saving the world when the people needs us.

Y/N: I still can't believe the power we hold, I find that scary.

Elrintyse: What do you mean?

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