Chapter 26: Y/N vs Eri!

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Author's POV

Thursday, December 18th, time is now eight AM. Olek was training with Zackary outside of his house. Inside was Chimamire watching over a alive but knocked out Y/N. Duarte walk in to the room after watching Olek's training. They were just shaken up a bit of how Y/N died but came back to life. Chimamire was still drinking her favorite coffee as she was minding her own business.

Duarte: You Okay?

Chimamire: Me? I'm fine, what about your

Duarte: Shaken up. He died but came back to life.

Chimamire: Yeah, thank god for his quick thinking. There might've not been a second chance.

Duarte: I still don't get it.

Chimamire: Get what?

Duarte: How he came back to life.

Chimamire: Really? You couldn't figure it out?

Duarte: Not really, All we see what his dark energy blast coming down at him and boom, he's alive.

Chimamire: Here, let me explain.

Flashback to Last Chapter

Chimamire and Duarte were looking around, trying to find Y/N. He would've come back by now, he's not like Olek or Duarte. Well that's what Chimamire knows. But they gasps as they saw Y/N's lifeless body. Duarte ran immediately with Chimamire following behind. Duarte holds the body of Y/N as Chimamire check the pulse, but there wasn't any.

Chimamire: He... He's dead...

Duarte: No... You can't be serious...

Duarte went to check his pulse but there wasn't any. His face was full of anger and sorrow. If only he was there to watch over Y/N. Chimamire didn't know what to think of this. It all happened so fast. She looked out to see if there was any blood from the enemy. But she heard something from the sky, gotten her attention. It was the dark energy ball but with electricity. Chimamire was confused at first but quickly realized what was happening.

Chimamire quickly pushes Duarte, moving both of them away from Y/N. The electrified dark energy ball was coming down fast. It crashes and made contact with Y/N making an explosion. Smoke has appeared which made the two of them to cover. It wasn't a big smoke so the city wouldn't notice. But as the smoke died down, Y/N was cover in electricity, not much. Chimamire and Duarte were there but what they next heard shock them. Y/N coughing up in blood, he's alive.

Flashback End

Chimamire: That was smart using that ball as some kind of defibrillator.

Duarte: Did he knew that he was going to die?

Chimamire: Hard to say. I'm going to help Zackary train Olek.

Duarte nodded as Chimamire left to train Olek. Duarte wanted him to be at his A Game for tomorrow. Last year was good, but he knew he could do better. He drank his coffee while looking at all three of the teenagers. They all grown up so fast and got stronger overtime. Y/N started moving around, starting to wake up which Duarte has notice.

Y/N: Ahh... where am I?

Duarte: I carried you here after you died again.

Y/N: Died? Ahh that's right! Ughh I feel like I can't move.

Duarte: It's best if you just stay down here.

Y/N: Yeah... you are right.

Duarte: What happened?

Y/N: Just some guy that wanted to kill me. He almost did but not really.

Duarte: Should this city be concerned?

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