
268 5 5

Items you will need:
Glass panes 9 (approx)
Stairs 5 (if building in a corner)
1/2 slabs 3 ( depending on how high your ceiling is)
Bucket of water 1

Place three stairs facing the wall, in a row, so that there is at least a one block gap between them and the wall.

On the end of the row of stairs, place two more stairs, facing in, to complete the circle.

Now, place your glass panes on top of the stairs in columns (however high you want your curtain to be) and surround the bathtub, leaving a space for you to climb in.

On one of the spots by the wall (I chose the one in the back) place your half slabs with a 1/2 space between them, as if they were shelves. (If you're confused, go ahead and look at the picture)

At last, you may now place your bucket of water at the top of the wall, opposite your curtain. And there's your shower!

Simply an upside down stair and a trapdoor. I think pretty much everyone already knows this. Lol.

Place glass panes in a square, on the floor, so there is a one block space in the centre. In the centre place a bucket of water. 👍

And there's your basic bathroom! I feel like, in a minecraft house, the bathroom is the most forgotten room. Do you agree?

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Happy Crafting!

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