Chapter Two

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Every fairy tale had a bloody lining. Every one had teeth and claws.
-Alice Hoffman

Once upon a time, there was a man who could walk on four paws instead of two feet.

For the last two days he has been stalking through the woods in his fighting form- -a giant brown, snarling wolf- -and killing things to eat.

At no point after Little Red had found him, did he shift back -as he knew instantly she was there.

Blythe wasn't exactly trying to hide, if she was then chances are she wouldn't have been found.

Observing him on edge, him knowing he's being followed is a key factor for the half-witch.

To recruit someone for the mission they need good skills, great senses, decent morals (but not ones good enough they won't do some shady shit) and someone that is a nobody. Dead to the world, could vanish in the blink of an eye and not a soul would notice. A ghost, especially.

The prefect person to help her.

First on the list for her team?

A warrior.

Something a Russian werewolf will have no problem being.

Blythe never walks into something blindly, she already knows the wolf's name.

Dimitri Ivanenkov.

To her, he seems like the perfect warrior for her mission. A man with brains, brawn and a hidden monster.

Of course, she knows he's aware of her presence and she has to admit -the wolf is handling her stalking him a lot better than she would if someone was following her and she knew it.

Taking a break from observing him to go collect more water from the river, Little Red jumps down from her tree and silently walks to the water edge -unaware in doing so she had switched roles.

The observer became the prey.

Shifting back into his first form- -a 6'7" Russian man with stretch marks on every joint from how often he's shifted, all too obvious on his brown skin as scars would be. A man with keen black eyes and brown hair, canines sharp and lethal- -he is silent.

And completely bare, his only decoration his left pierced ear.

This wolf man, as he sheds clothes each time he shifts, isn't shy.

Coming up behind Little Red, Dimitri wraps a large hand around her throat and pins her down to a tree -his other hand clenching on her thigh over the golden knife strapped there. This all done in a single, swift motion.

"You know, my Dear," The wolf says, smugness lacing his tone. "It isn't safe for a girl to walk through these woods alone."

"Says the indecent man who's just pinned me to a tree," Gasps out Blythe, not quite knowing what the expect. This was on the list, yes, but not quite so high up as being the first reaction. "I want you to join me."

"Hmm," The wolf leans forward, making Little Red squirm as he sniffs her then licks from her jaw to her cheek bone. "Well you do already have me naked."

"Not like that." Blythe snaps, cheeks nearly going as red as her cloak.

Telling herself it's anger instead of the wolf affecting her, Little Red nearly scoffs to herself.


Already knowing that she's not there for sex but wanting to mess with her mentally, Dimitri's body stiffens in anticipation. "Then explain." His tone- -which is thick with his rolling Russian accent- -reminds her instantly of the thumb pressed into her jugular that can sharpen into a claw without warning.

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