Chapter Twelve

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Your American fairytales end that way. Real fairytales end in blood or tears.
-Luna Lindsey

Once upon a time, an inn called Lady Marian had a group of unusual characters staying within it's walls -none of it's other patrons knowing just how important they are.

That same group is starting notice when Magician needs to focus, the warlock sings to themself, "Down on the banks of hanky panky where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky, they say eeps opps oobs oops, eastside westside ping pong!" to himself for seemingly no reason at all.

Each time though, it does work and they hyper focuses and their magic is fluent and flawless and lethal.

But they repeat themself.

Over and over and over again.

Sometimes in voices other than their own, sometimes in accents.

Yet Ezra always, always says the exact same 26 words to themself. Always with the same inhales and tone and tune.

If it didn't work so well, they probably would have all murdered the mad Magician long ago.

The Ghosts are forced to come to terms with the kingdom finally recognizing them as vigilantes accused of treason to the crown.

Something that makes the bard squeal out "That's awesome!" loudly.

In the middle of the local tavern.

Where a group of the Queen's soldiers are.

Next to a group of loyal locals who happen to be loud white men.

"Excuse me," A drunk one calls out, hand banging down harshly on the fairy's table. "What part about people committing treason against our queen excites you?"

"Uh, all of it, um," Standing awkwardly, the bard plucks her lute from the air. "Because it just, uh, dude it just totally inspires me so much. See?"

Stepping into the air, she starts to drift around, doing a half-assed jig as she plays the lute.

"Did you hear the whispers when the new queen rose?" Charm awkwardly sings. "With a wicked sweet smile and a gorgeous pose."

Gag, she thinks. 

"They say her name rings true yet no one knows what it is, she has a crown too! Long live the queen, the wicked lil' queen, who smites the hags and dances over mags, oh long live the queen-"

Another man throws a beer glass near her head, "Shut 'yer mouth!"

"Terrible singer!" Another says.

A third passes out face down in beer, risking the potential to drown, and none of the men around him catch it.

Wolf and Charm do, share a glance as she flits back down to their table, and collectively decide to ignore it.

What happens, happens.

"That was a close one." The fairy squeaks out. "But listen, the risk I just took by singing that obviously terribly inspired song was calculated but you guys are the ones who are supposed to point out how bad I am at math."

Locks, red in the face and golden wings ruffled up to show her anger, snarls out, "Don't you dare turn this around on us! We could have been killed you insufferable b-"

"Is this a bad time to point out we're still in the bar?" Archer hisses. "With the guards?"

The magician scrunches up their nose, "I thought you were going to point out that Charm doesn't actually know how to do math at all."

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