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We all have one foot in a fairytale, and the other in the abyss.
-Paulo Coelho

Once upon a time, deep from the forest controlled by the Benwikere fairies, a new fairy was born. Her name was Luceiana Benwikere and she was the daughter of the leader -Queen Clarion and her husband, the bard Ophelius. She went by Charm.

Though many of the fairies in the Benwikere territory tried to have Luce practice serious magic like her mother but every time the fairy would do something, she'd get bored.

Then, Charm was passed a lute.

And she used that lute to sing.

While fighting against the Wicked Queen, on the most dangerous journey she was ever on, Charm used that same lute to save an entire kingdom.

During that battle, she died and her lute was broken.

Magician nearly went mad- -madder than they ever had before- -and cast spell after spell onto her body. Though nothing they did brought her back, now the battle room is overcome with nature -everything growing wild and beautiful just like the fairy.

In the middle there is her body, refusing to rot.

Soon after Snow and Doc's bodies were recovered and put in glass coffins, their bodies kept living and they found out Snow was pregnant.

The babies were healthy, Wolf could hear their heartbeats.

And soon they'd have to be delivered.

They're all going to raise them, as the team is staying in the castle now. Blythe is the new queen, they're advisors and royal now, even if they don't feel like it.

Huntsman fixed up Charm's lute and once he did, Magician claimed it as his and soon, it started to float again and played the song Charm used to fall asleep to calm him down. She was in the same coffin.

Most of them still talk to her as though she could hear them.

"Magician?" Locks places a gentle hand on their shoulder, only for them to shake it off. She sighs. "Everyone's waiting in the dining room for you...Red wants us to celebrate Snow and Doc's lives. And Charm's life. I want to celebrate her life."

"Why?" The warlock asks this with a sharp voice, turning to the leader witch-fairy with a harsh glare. "You hated her."

Taken aback, Locks gulps. "I didn't hate her...I just, she annoyed me. But she was part of my team, I would have died for her just like the rest of you."

"Yeah well, now you're alive for her."

"Locks." They both turn at the sound of Little Red's voice. "Go to the dining room. We'll be down there in a few minutes."

She nods, giving Magician one last look before following orders -blinking away the tears from her eyes as she notices one of the bells that were in Charm's hair is now on a band around their neck.

"You're immortal, Magician." Is the first thing the mercenary says, surprising them enough to finally meet her eye. 

Being immortal...it just means watching everyone you love die until you get killed or kill yourself. It means moments of happiness and love after centuries of loneliness.

Magician will never understand why people want to be immortal.

"You've probably been through this before, lost somebody. Maybe that was why you were alone when we first met and maybe that's why this hurts so much but this will make it easier. There's no right way to grieve but sitting here alone all the time, just listening to her lute...this isn't the way."

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