Chapter Five

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Once upon a time – for that is how all fairy tales should begin – there was a boy who lost his mother.
-John Connolly

Once upon a time there was a huntsman who was chopping logs nearby his small cabin in the woods.

Everyday, he would get up and use his axe to chop down firewood for himself or any of the families around him that needed it.

Jaekobe Dwyer was used to being generous.

As a half-vampire, he could survive a very long time without food or blood, he didn't need warmth but he needed to move.

But as a vampire, he hates werewolves.

That being said, Little Red and the Wolf are looking around his cabin because they're bored while Archer and Locks go to confront the half-vampire and get him to join the team before he realizes that the people he's helping also include one cocky Russian werewolf.

Things go smoothly at first, Locks is able to send his axe through the window straight to Little Red's careful hands and they're able to talk him down from attacking them.

Sadly, right as he was about to agree, the huntsman hears Wolf's growl as the warrior gets scolded for wanting to shift in the middle of a vampire's home.

"I'm sorry!" Locks calls out, chasing after Jaekobe hoping he doesn't lose his cool. "They're with us."

"Explain yourself!" He hisses.

Stepping between the leader and the half-vampire, Archer pushes his calming aura out to Kobe which makes him calm down. "We know you're not a fan of wolves but this is very important. You know about our mission, what we're doing and how important it is. You're going to let one werewolf change that?"

"Yes!" Kobe exclaims, throwing his fist up. "I am. They're unreliable, blood-thirsty, stupid-"

"Sexy. Tall. Loyal. Funny." Wolf deadpans, leaning out of the doorframe in what Locks probably deems the worst possible timing. "Should I go on? Hmm. Moy dorogoy, do you have any more compliments?"

The look Red shoots him then is deadly, now that she knows what he's calling her- -my dear- -compliments aren't the thing on her mind.

"Shut up, Wolf. You, Huntsman," She points to him. "What do you need to ask in order to join our mission, for good?"

"Let's talk about you taking my ax first." Huntsman says to Little Red.


"My dear," The wolf says, sneaking behind Blythe to hold her shoulders. "That's Vampire-Huntsmen speak for stand still while I yell at you."

Looking at the warrior with daggers in his eyes, the huntsman starts to grumble. "You're probably familiar with getting yelled at, aren't you Wolf."

Without shame and fully away of his black eyes now stuck to Little Red, he says, "Maybe in bed."

"Go outside." Locks instructs, making Wolf scowl but comply nonetheless.

"Did he recently turn into an asshole or has he been one all along?" Is the first thing the half-vampire asks, making Archer grin.

"He's been on all along."

Giving the normal speech again, telling him the end  goal again but finally getting that yes, yet again the Ghosts grow in rank -much to both Wolf and Huntsman's dismay.

Just for tonight, before they head off to their own personal Wonderland, they decide to stay in their new teammate's house.

Of course, Huntsman got his own room. Archer and Locks, now used to it, decided to share the extra bed in the corner of the main room while Wolf and Little Red stay outside next to the fire, not about to let the other three pop the comfortable nighttime bubble the two can make all on their own.

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