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If you ever find yourself in the wrong fairy tale, leave.
-Mo Willems

What if the bad guy wasn't always the bad guy, and the killer helped the hero go free? What if the hero wasn't really good, and they weren't supposed to have a happy ending? What if the damsel in distress was really the villain and the monster was the martyr? What if the princess at the top of the tower wasn't supposed to find her love? What if prince charming and sleeping beauty's daughter poisoned them in their sleep, and her fairy grandmother's story ended like that? What if Tinkerbell's fate didn't reject her and the Mad Hatter didn't go insane? 

What if your fairy tales don't have happy endings and they always started out in wars, would you still want to read it?

The further you go back into written history down the path of horror, the more you notice a pattern. All the scary, disturbing creatures and monsters in the world share some common traits.

Most are pale or midnight black, dark or red eyes sunken into their skull like their own body doesn't care about sight. Eerie, unnaturally beautiful faces -that or their flesh is melting off the bone. Sharp claws, deadly teeth, great senses.

When creatures are described like that shivers go down spines, people are revolted or amazed. They either pray it's just fiction or wish they could meet those monsters, both for good reason.

Either way, they tend to get imprinted in the human mind as something to be cautious about.

Many things frighten humans instinctively.

Fear is natural, normal and often someone doesn't need a reminder of what they've been afraid of since birth in order to be terrified at the sight of it.

Some fears, however, spread throughout humanity. It comes from the darker times when we weren't aware of what went bump in the night, only that something was in fact there.

It comes from the past when lightning could mean your entire home could burn to the ground and the rain could mean you drown, from when heights make poor footing a deadly sport, spiders meant danger and snakes meant certain death from a single bite.

Not many know what happened deep in the hidden eras before 'real history' began, because they think it's fairy tales and they think every fairy tale has a happy ending.

They don't realize the real fairy tales are written in blood.

Now people don't realize, can't comprehend, what could effect the entire human race to give them the instinctual fear of beings either pale or made of darkness, with odd eyes, razor sharp canines and the ability to move lightning fast.

Those creatures- -the beings of darkness, made of the moon and the sun's fire- -are exactly what this story is starting with—

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.

This story will be written in blood.

And this will be your only warning.

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