Chapter Seven

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It is good for children to find themselves facing the elements of a fairy tale - they are well-equipped to deal with these. 
-Neil Gaiman

Once upon a time, there was a group of six that had to face the Queen of Hearts -the treacherous, booby-trapped, deadly and nature-defying mountain that one had to go through to get to a warlock.

While a witch deals with natural gifts and the earth's energy, Warlocks are immortal like vampires and the fae, their gifts a demonic in a nature and instead of working with nature, they manipulate it.

The Ghosts knew the second they stepped foot onto the mountain that this was going to be a dangerous journey. Only Locks and Little Red knew why they were going on the dangerous journey.

To find their next teammate, a very powerful warlock.

Only Little Red knew their name, Ezra Ackroyd.

Now, with the bard tagging along as an extra potential person-in-danger, they all knew there was no room for error and was more than worried about keeping each other safe.

Little Red was placed at Wolf's side, the mercenary and the warrior now familiar with each other's fighting, able to take cues in split seconds yet still not quite in sync. 

Being permanently paired by Locks- -after she found out about their mental link- -with the wolf through every dangerous situation felt like chaos and moonlight, both a thrill and protection. 

Blythe loved it.

The hunter at the back of the group watching, Locks and Huntsman are leading the group at the front so she can make sure they don't fall for any traps and he follows the trail. Them being serious didn't stop Charm from flying through the air, singing.

"Oh, climbing up a mountain!" The fairy, who honestly doesn't care, continues on with her song that only consists of a few choice sentences with an equal amount of messed up lyrics. "Climbing up a mountain about about to die."

Archer rolls his eyes.

"If I get stuck on this mountain, I won't be able to climb."

Creative, Dimitri thinks dully.

"But I will be able to eat our golden Locks!" Suddenly, this entire song wasn't so boring. "Because with her giant wings, she'll taste like chicken but might make my intestines blocked."

Wolf is the only one to clap, giving the bard a wink and a sharp appreciative whistle.

Giving the warrior a nasty look, Huntsman tells him, "If I were trapped on a mountain with everyone I knew, I would eat you first, even if I wasn't starving." as if it wasn't worrying due to them actually being trapped on a mountain.

"That's cannibalism and murder." The hunter tells his best friend, who had to take the chance to insult the wolf -both of which just roll their eyes.

"Not cannibalism," Wolf says, canines as sharp as they are deadly. "I'm a werewolf. He is a half-vampire, half-human little bitch. Completely different from me. So he could eat me without being a cannibal. Then again he can't eat me, because all he has is that stupid little ax to kill me with and my entire body is a more deadly weapon."

"I am more than capable of killing you!" The huntsman snaps, stomping his way into Wolf's personal space. "I'm half vampire, I'm strong and fast-"

"And short." Not even trying to fight, Wolf shoves him out of the way without trying. He wasn't wrong either, as a werewolf he was a bit over six and a half feet tall but the half-vampire was barely over six foot. "Are you don't proving a point you can't successfully make?"

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