Chapter Sixteen

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I never said I love you because I knew he would understand it differently. I loved him, and I still do, but it was as a chapter. It wasn't as a fairytale ending.
-Dominic Riccitello

Once upon a time, a vigilantly group calling themselves the Ghosts was wanted by the Wicked Queen, dead or alive -preferably dead.

There was a price on their head, if they were alive they just needed to get sent back to her castle in chains. If not she wanted Little Red's red hood, Wolf's tail, Lock's wings, Archer's bow, Huntsman's axe, Doc's glasses, Snow's horns, Charm's lute and Magician's hat.

The team has been bouncing between inns, staying hidden.

Yet the tension in the group rises.

Today was the worst day of all, Charm and Magician finding random things outside to explode or change color.

Their hands were starting to turn purple again.

And that is exactly when they try to explode an apple but it clearly looks wrong, so the fairy smacks it with her lute sending it flying towards the witch-fairy and exploding in her face.

"What just happened?" Charm asks, holding her lute to her chest.

"You almost killed me but didn't, I'm pretty sure." Locks responds in a snarl, the leader more than fed up with her when they're regularly in the same space but the fairy knocking her out of the sky was the last straw.

"Ah," The bard chirps, striking a cord on her lute. "A miracle!"

"Actually, a mistake." The leader suddenly lunges forward with her wings spread wide.

But Little Red's sword cuts between them -her own more powerful magic slicing the air and pinning them both to the wall even as the others use their magic to try and stop it on instinct.

 "There will be no physical fighting for this team. Bicker, call each other names, try to put each other down, fucking whatever. The other can always fight back. But we are all different strengths and not all of us can fight, if you want to spar like Wolf and Huntsman you can. No biting though. We are here for a reason and we all have our roles. Stick to them, because if you harm anyone on this team just because you're annoyed and jeopardize the mission I will kill you."

Though she wasn't the leader of The Ghosts, with the power sizzling in the air around them not a single one in the room second guessed that she could dispose of all of them.

Growing two small crab apples on her horns, Snow calmly walks over to both of them and forces it into their mouths. "Poison apples, well, not like, deadly poison but it will make you sleep for an hour. I can't stand your bickering. This is the height of stupidity."

"In your opinion what's the height of stupidity? I don't think we've reached it yet." Archer asks his best friend, trying to stay civil.

"Hang on." The huntsmen turns to the warrior. "Wolf, how tall are you?"

The hunter sighs. "Nevermind." It's safe to say his goal wasn't going to happen today.

After she wakes back up, glaring between Snow and Charm, Locks gathers her team into the living room of Little Red's home.

Thankfully, nobody has mentioned this being Red's home -though she's sure some guessed at that small fact.

She knew Wolf knew too but he didn't snoop around or ask her anything, just quietly let her know through their mind link.

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