Chapter Seventeen

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And in what fairy tale would John ever be any sane person's idea of Prince Charming anyway? He was the opposite of charming. More like Prince Terrifying.
-Meg Cabot

Once upon a time there lived a rich vizier in the city of Agrabah who was the close advisor of the Sultan. The Sultan had a beautiful young daughter with a pet tiger.

Forming his plan all it took was a whisper here, a suggestive look there and it was done.

The princess killed her father and took the thrown -becoming a trading sister with the Wicked Queen as a female power hold.

Then the Vizier was sent over to work under the Wicked Queen, taking hearts for her and collecting her mirrors.

He wasn't the important one in this story, no he was merely the master of one very important element that gave him enough energy to fight his battles.

His familiar.

As the queen's advisor and top general, he was the biggest threat besides the queen herself but left her castle open for trade and more vulnerable to attacks before he left for the next to years again.

Her sister might be three times more the woman she, but Little Red is twice the witch.

Sadly, her enemies didn't know that.

Now the dark witch has found his competition -the mercenary was charged with taking out Vizier herself, Locks telling her team that she's the one who needs the kill.

Sometimes you put a bunch of misfits together and you can get a family. Other times, you get a bunch of assholes.

Little Red couldn't decide which of those two the Ghosts have turned out to be.

Mostly because her entire team is made up out of people intelligent enough and with enough common sense to clearly and easily grasp that something is a Bad Idea.

They know when they shouldn't do something, when something won't go well, which works out in their advantage and builds trust when they communicate that.

But what builds their relationships and how close they get is how most of them have enough chaotic energy to decide that they're going to Do That Thing anyway.

Of course, they always get away with it.

None of them are stupid, but some of them are pretty big dumbasses.

A good example of this was how most of them nodded with a small frown at the description and game plan to take out Vizier, yet the warlock said even if he doesn't approve of his methods of getting ahead in a government he did approve of his aesthetic.

Wolf said he wanted to eat his bird.

Even though that bird was also a human, a familiar that was capable of turning into an animal under the master's direction much like the Sultan's tiger.

"He has a hawk as a familiar? That is so cool!" Is what Charm gasps out, her lute plucking itself through her excitement. "Why don't you have one Red?"

Little Red shrugs, "Sure I do, Wolf is mine."

"Eh." Is all the warrior says in reply.

It's not the same thing at all but they all found that amusing enough not to argue.

Magician and Little Red were the only two going in, for a mixed partner solo mission that left the rest of the team nervous.

If Vizier was as bad as they say, why were they going in alone? Is all they could think.

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