Chapter Nineteen

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They were still all beautiful and there was still enchantment and wonder, but she had crossed a line and now the fairy tale was green with corruption and evil. 
-Stephen King

Before any of them were able to slip past a single guard, Fire stood in the way as they came around a corner with a small brigade behind him.

Magician instantly focused their magic on shielding their team from Fire's magic, Archer pushing his calming aura out.

"Kill them all." The assassin says, giving a fanged smirk -pointing at Snow and Doc. "The dwarf is mine."

He wants another minion, Wolf thinks. If we stay and fight it-

Little Red finishes, we could all die.

Snow, growing giant plants that have sharp teeth and ones that have whips up behind them as weapons and surrounds the medic with them, looks Locks in the eyes. "Go get the queen."

The leader nods. "We will."

Fire lets all of them pass but glares at Wolf the whole time, not looking back at the Ghosts dispatch of all the soldiers -letting the ones who are smart enough not to fight them to run away, though a few get smashed by the nymph for being cowards.

Locks throws many around with her wings, Magician blasting many with their bag of pebbles. They didn't have to use complicated spells to kill someone.

Wolf didn't waste much energy fighting. Instead of shifting, his claws slit throats and he snapped necks until there was nobody left to kill.

People were always so fragile.

"Do we go back?" Huntsman asks, looking to the leader, who shakes her head. "What if they..."

Nobody answers him, they all knew the answer by now.

This was the mission, this was exactly what they signed up for. No amount of teamwork or true love or perfectly timed humor will be able to hide that.

The people you love die.

That's a fact, a simple one.

Sometimes they die faster because of actions you make, sometimes they're saved because of them too.

The Ghosts were one partner pair short now, whether the survived the moment with Fire or not, and that was something they had to choose to do.

Something they had to do.

Snow and Doc agreed to this, they knew the consequences of all the action they would take.

They had to face this threat head on, without back up.

And they were okay with that.

If both Fire and the wicked queen die in one would be a miracle.

"You can run too, little nymphie." The assassin coos, his stance not wavering. "There's no harm in it. Just hand that little rodent of a man over."

"He's mine." Snow seethes, horns twisting around her head. "And you'll have to fight me for him."

Fire pushed wave after wave of a heartbreaking amount of panic onto Snow's conscious. 

She blocked it, growing stamina building crab apples while Doc tried to create a poison elixir but he barely had the right amount of ingredients.

Eventually, taking a break from mind play, the evil warlock creates a ring of fire that starts to consume Snow's plants. She still fights against him as he engages in hand to hand but eventually she's blown back into Doc.

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