Chapter Fifteen

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Classic fairy tales do not deny the existence of heartache and sorrow, but they do deny universal defeat.
-Greenhaven Press

Once upon a time there was a child who never grew up, as all children are supposed to do. Turned into a vampire as a child, Thaddeus Panlmerston, was stuck in the body of a twelve year old boy.

He made it his mission to find others like him and turned them into a crew, using his ship- -which he called Neverland- -to find others like him then punish the ones that did it to them.

This wasn't a problem, turning children was completely evil, but over the years it became year and the Lost Boys became a murderous gang of youth that torn apart ships, used their looks against women who didn't know how helpless they'd be and kill any child they came across out of jealously.

Captain Pan is what they called him.

The vampire who could find anything, given the time.

With both him and Fire clearly on their trail the Ghosts thought it best to lose one of them, and decided Captain was the easiest to kill with the limited time they had before the wicked queen's castle shut down for another two years.

The ruler was in the middle of a trade with the dark witch from Agrabah, Vizier, and would be at her most vulnerable.

That's why Little Red chose this time of year to strike her.

She knew her sister well.

Lost Boys had been on her radar for a long while too, she even had run in with them once when she was younger with her grandmother -who killed three of them without hesitation.

And her grandmother was a woman who gave many second chances.

That just told Blythe exactly what kind of men those supposed immortal 'boys' were.

"We're turning the tables here, we will have a moment of surprise but you all have to remember that they're expecting us. That being said, Doc and Snow you're staying at the inn. This is a very bloody fight and we need you both healthy enough to heal any of us," Locks says, making the married couple nod. "And Charm, be ready to make a bunch of people pass out."

"Sweet." The bard grins.

Locks rolls her eyes and Red uses the opportunity to add, "There's a lot of them, most of them are immortal but killable. Their leader, Captain Pan, however has been alive so long that even if you do kill them their soul will still be around and able to possess another, starting another round of life."

Magician, knowing themself and contemplated this before, waves their hat around says "You need to teleport him into the dark and mysterious void." then lets their team watch as they put the hat back on, only for another top hat to already be there and them to end up stacked.

Archer clears his throat, giving the warlock a odd look before asking, "If I can use my energy as a weapon, you all can kill them much faster."

"There's too many for that, you'll be exhausted and the second you stop they'll over power us." Locks says. "I want you to get to the highest point on their ship and shoot them down from above, cover us. Huntsman, be at the base of wherever your partner sets up. Make sure nobody gets to him. They're all vampires like you."

"They look like kids." Huntsman replies quietly.

The room seems to freeze with tension until Wolf slams his fist into the table top, however annoyed Huntsman is with the warrior simply existing, he was grateful for this.

"Close your eyes if you need to the moment you kill them but you cannot ignore the fact they are mass murderers, rapists, thieves, evil beings who cannot comprehend the wrong they do because how they were turned then taken in all because they have the faces of innocent children."

His growl and Russian accent imprinted on his team, making them all, save for Little Red, nod.

The mercenary says, "In battle, it might get hard to keep fighting. I know that. If you feel as though you're going to throw up, get mine or Wolf's attention. We'll block you."

"And if you need a moment of fresh hair, I'll take you to the air or where Archer is." The leader says, nodding to the half-witch. "Charm, I want you to immediately go below deck and knock out everyone."

"No," Little Red shakes her head making Locks frown. "Think about it."

She does, and instead instructs Charm to knock out anyone that comes up from the belly of the ship, and tells Magician to portal everyone around her when the fight is done.

Breaking away from the lighthouse base the hid in, the Ghosts hide behind Magician's invisibility shield before bursting onto Neverland.

With the warrior in his fighting form carrying Little Red on his back, they torn through most of Neverland's crew terribly fast.

Dimitri smiled with a mouthful of bloody teeth, shifting up from four paws to join his team on two feet -the magician's magic holding through in keeping his clothes on.

It was an experiment they were working on, as most everyone was tried of accidentally being caught glimpsing at his body or getting a view of him ass first.

Then, he laughed and his laughter melted into a howl that let their opponents know he was the most bloodthirsty of them all, that he was ready to kill. Black eyes sparkled as they looked over all those facing against him, making most of the remaining crew flinch.

He was excited.

Anyone can tell that.

The wolf looked like pure wilderness, like mercy was supposed to be his claws scraping into their skin. He stepped forwards, knuckles going white as his fists clenched and the wolf began to realize that this fight isn't what he thought it would be.

It would be bloodier, harder but damn, was he going to enjoy it.

"Hey bud," Wolf, the most ruthless even when in front of evil that wears the face of a child, says this teasingly as Captain Pan stands at the bow of the ship. "Do you want a fake grave, or skip the theatrics because nobody likes you?"

"Nobody likes me?" The immortal child echoes with a sadistic grin, not too unlike Wolf's. "Look around, mutt, all these creatures died for me."

Pointing her swords at him, Little Red smirks beneath her hood. "Then you will die for them as well."

Archer assaulted them with arrows and Huntsman cut through the crowd with his arrows, Magician already starting to dispatch those Charm knocked out into the void as Wolf slaughtered those remaining as the mercenary raced up to meet Captain in battle.

Their swords clashed together, sparking on one another as their bodies twisted around. He was faster but she was smarter.

Instead of trying to injure him Little Red knocked the immortal over, slamming her sword down like she's going to cut him to cause him to roll out of the way.

Just as planned, he goes over the rim and lands smack onto the lower platform, surrounded by her team and dead bodies of the Lost Boys.

They weren't so lost anymore.

Locks blasts his body back with magic, her golden energy whip wrapping around his ankle to beat him around the space though her eyes were closed and she was squealing as she did so.

"Any last words, Captain?" Archer calls out, arrow pointed to his chest.

The immortal child grins, blood dripping down his chin. "If you have a message for hell, give it to me, I'll carry it."

"Gah!" Charm suddenly screams, using her lute as a bat to send the immortal child flying through Magician's portal with a scream. "Carry that!"

Wolf whistles, raising an eyebrow at his friend. "Bad day?"

The fairy shakes her head, grinning widely. "Not at all, why?"

Nobody said a thing.

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