Chapter Four

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In a utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that fairy tales should be respected.
-Charles Dickens

Once upon a time, there crouched an elf hidden on the thick branch of a tree. This tree was within the Sherwood Forest, twisting next to the road leading to the Village of Nottingham. The elf was hated by the wealthy in the town, as he stole from them more often than he spoke. 

Because he was an archer- -one with such cunning ability and speed that he could shoot you before you could blink- -no one was ever able to catch him, or see him without the green hood he often wore.

Though Blythe knew exactly what to do, how to do it and even what to do if her plan went astray, Locks didn't.

"So I just decide what to do?" The designated leader asks, golden wings shuffling behind her nervously. "How do I do that? What if I mess up -I'm gonna mess up."

Little Red shakes her head, "You won't mess up. Your natural intuition is very good and if anything goes wrong you can use your magic and get us out of the situation. Observe. Take notes. Plan along the way, give as much detail as you can for me and Wolf to execute your plan. This is your first one. Do you want hints?"

She nods her head -their warrior watching the two women with amused black eyes.

"We've been observing this...Hood for two days. What have you noticed about him, as a hunter specifically? What traits?"

"Impulsivity. Anger. He's quick. Without trying, his aim is perfect. He's practiced. Women are his forte to fool, though he doesn't look actually interested in him." Demelza had to admit, this hunter was attractive to her -especially due to his rebellious nature. "He's a elf so his senses are great. That means you need to go in fast. Red, you take his bow and quiver from him and corner him. Wolf, you pin him until she's done then cover her. When you give me a signal Wolf, I will come and explain to him what we're doing."

Due to her saying this, Little Red knew that she picked the right person to be leader.

"And when do you want us to do this?"

Within the hour, because Locks didn't want to do it when it was dark out, the mercenary and the warrior hide in plain sight as they track their next teammate. Nothing surprised Locks more when he circled around and started to follow her instead, or it seemed that way at least and the witch-fairy didn't know what else to do than just keep walking to take suspicion off of her.

But then again, nobody else in Nottingham had golden wings or braided hair that reached their knees.

When looking for new-comers to rob, she was a walking target for men like Octavian.

Octavian Archeletta, the hunter, took matters into his own hands without knowing it by deciding that.

Little did he know that in doing so, he was just making himself easier to corner.

Robbing your predator never seems to end well for people, much like when a drunk man pokes a bear.

"Ugh!" Little Red suddenly exclaims, and when Wolf looks back at her the red cloak is covered in gold and she looks as if she had quite expensive jewelry on. "My hair always gets so tanged on this gold!"

Still in the shadows, the warrior's jaw clenches as he notices the elf instantly change his path from Locks to the half-witch.

Once again he notices how small and fragile she seems -though he knows that she is probably the most powerful being around.

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