Chapter Three

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The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in.
-W.H. Auden

Once upon a time, there lived a fairy and his wife, a witch. More than anything they wanted a child of their own.

At long last, their wish came true -the witch was pregnant and going to have their child.

Next to their little home, was the witch's garden and everyday the husband would go pick cabbage, vegetables and a flower for his wife. As a fairy, the husband was able to keep the garden flourishing and kept animals away.

But one day, deep from the woods can a team of human hunters -hungry and in search of food.

The couple refused them from their property, not willing to ruin her garden or loose food for the men.

As humans, they got selfishly mad.

So late at night, they slept in the house and stole all the food the couple had -awaking them both. The husband rushed to the kitchen but was unexpectedly ambushed and beat down.

They took his beautiful, black raven wings as a trophy.

Though now heavily pregnant, the witch was infuriated and tracked those humans through the woods. She slaughtered them.

She slaughtered them all.

Then she moved their family into a giant tower that nobody could break into without them knowing, without them being prepared and without the intruders able to get through the magical wall of thorns.

Maleficent didn't take any precautions when it came to her family and now without wings, her husband wouldn't either.

Their daughter was born there, lives there and never leaves the tower even though she has wings of her own. Just like her father, her wings have feathers and were strong for long flights. Instead of raven's, she had platinum gold wings that matched her hair.

Demelza Cox is the girl in the tower.

Her hair is so long, that when in the braid- -how she usually kept it- -it went down to her knees.

Being half-fairy and half-witch she has the perfect skills and natural intuition someone needs to be the perfect foresighted leader.

And she also has enough built up rage from being locked in a tower by her parents that she'll let her team do some questionable shit, Blythe had decided.

Little Red and the wolf definitely had some climbing to do.

The warrior and the mercenary already made it through the wall of thorns since Little Red was small enough to navigate well under the sharp edges. And in his fighting form, there wasn't much Dimitri couldn't snap with his jaws to clear the way. Given, his human form is extremely strong as well but his wolf is shorter and more agile.

The half-witch couldn't use her magic, as Maleficent put a barrier along the thorn wall to block any magic from being used by anyone not sharing her own bloodline.

"So..." The wolf says apprehensively, staring up at the tower. "Who exactly are we recruiting now? Because this really doesn't seem worth it, I'll probably chip a claw climbing up that."

"You know I'm not going to tell you her name," They're ghosts for a reason. "But she is going to be our leader. She'll decide her nickname, or if she just wants to be called by her title."

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