Chapter 4

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"Get Naruto in here now!" Tsunade yelled at the crack of dawn, the sun wasn't even up yet but Naruto found himself on the ground in the corner of his Baa-chan's office. It was the day before the end of his specified time slot. He was just straightening out the information when the room started to fill with key players to the plan coming inside.

Clan Heads, clan heirs, jounins, Anbu and special forces. They all looked alert and ready for the planning and argument that was about to commence. Before Lady Tsunade could bring this to order Naruto caught her attention.

"I think we need a bigger room." Naruto said packing up, Tsunade nodded and they moved to a large conference room, Naruto sighed and pinned a map to the wall of the room and closed the door, he motioned for a Shizune to active the privacy seals in the room.

"The floor is yours," Tsunade said. Naruto smirked and stabbed a senbon on the map.

"Let's get what we know out of the way. Suna needs help, we are providing that help due to a treaty which in my opinion is just a flimsy piece of paper to them when we need help from them. But who am I to judge." Naruto smirked before nailing another senbon to the map.

"They plan to approach from the sea, Suna has no ties to the oceans that is situated miles from behind them, it's a weak point but one Hoshigakure plans to exploit. By the time they get within sight of the Suna boarder patrol it would be too late to call back up. Anbu has already been sent out to lay wait them." He sighed and nailed another senbon in the map.

"The areas I've marked on the map are the three unused paths that can take you to Suna and avoid detection. They plan to use this obviously but our plan is to set a trap, a big one I don't care how but it must be big enough to trap all 35 ninjas they plan to bring through each path." They room broke out arguments at the number of ninjas Naruto voiced.

"I don't wanna hear it." Naruto snapped. "I slaved over this 6 times to ensure I didn't get it wrong and I'll be damned to stand and let you tell me otherwise." They quieten at this outburst.

"Moving on, along with those coming from blindspots you also have them being downright cocky and plan to come head on. The plan is to cripple their water and food supply, to lure the Kazekage to send out troops so the people won't starve. They plan to hit when they're low on troops." Naruto slammed senbon on the map with aggression.

"Now time for a counter." His voice was filled with mischief and a smirked splashed across his lips. He looked like a trigger happy kid. "These plans are detailed as fuck but when you pull away the fancy wording you'll get a game of ninja tag."

"Here's how I think the teams should go since we're going to be cheating bastards and cheat the fuck out of this." Naruto grinned and lit a cigar. "I need a Hyuga on every one of the ten teams you'll be carrying out, I have been informed Suna is offering 4 ninjas per teams that we create. So 4 man squads are what we need to have a total of 8 ninja per team. One Hyuga, a Inuzuka, an Aburame and a Yamanaka."

"Now before the poles up the Uchiha asses go up any further, listen." Naruto bit as Fugaku opened his mouth to protest. Snickers could be heard through out the room. "Out of the ten teams I need two teams strictly only Uchiha. I need you to whip out the strongest group genjutsu because the two groups your taking will have two valuable sources of information."

Naruto opened a black book and turned it around to display two male ninja of Hoshigakure. "This is Kishiroki and Takahashi," Naruto pointed at the respective picture, he handed the book to be passed around. "Uchiha if you kill everyone else in the area you're sent that's fine but be sure to apprehend those two."

"What's so special about them?" Tsume asked as she eyed the picture in disgust. Naruto gave a sadistic smile.

"Their the brains behind the operation, their signatures are all over these scrolls, I want to pick them apart specifically because some of their tactics belong to us." Naruto said seriously, this caused the room to be tense. "Someone somewhere has been giving out our military formation, the reason why I don't suggest an Akimichi or a Nara on the teams is because they have successfully found a way to dismantle our Ino-Shika-Cho formation."

Naruto crushed his cigar and lit another. "So here is where we find out whose the snitch and I swear to whatever heavenly being I'll skin them alive if I have to." It wasn't a threat, no it carried weight and that weight made it a promise. Shikamaru thought back to the sword he saw the blond wear and shivered at the thought of being skinned with that.

"Moving on, the Nara's are going to be sighting all the vaults of information from the main troops, paralyze them with your shadows, any senbon user soak your weapon in a knock out concoction, you'll need it because your partners with the Naras." Naruto pinned the faces of prominent ninja of Hoshigakure on top of the map. "Study them, as for the Akimichi your strength will be used to back up the defenses left behind in the Sand. Guarding the citizens in the event they slip through our defense."

"Which is highly unlikely," Tsunade said with a smile.

"Baa-chan stop placing me on a throne," Naruto scowled as he packed up his information. The meeting has come to a close.

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