Chapter 13

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Shikamaru caressed the carving hissing ever so often at the brief pain it brought. It was really well done and Shikamaru couldn't refute it. Naruto had a skill and if it wasn't so painful he would take on more carvings. 'Not now though.' He thought blankly as he laid in the giant bed. Naruto was in the kitchen cooking them dinner. He couldn't believe he slept from last night till just an hour ago. The carving was really painful at the end and he couldn't help the goosebumps that broke out at remembering that.

He sat up and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. When he came out he applied the cream Naruto gave him to help diminish the pain. After that he just pulled on Naruto's sweatshirt. He headed out to the kitchen to blush as he saw Naruto's back. Long, multiple, deep claw marks ran up and down his back which was already scarred. He wheezed which brought Naruto's attention to him.

"Your up again." Naruto stated as he came around the island to hold his face. "What's wrong, your red." Shikamaru shook his head and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Naruto's dark smirk rise from his lips. "Don't lie, you saw your handiwork. Never took you as the type to leave marks, really sexy though. Can't complain."

Shikamaru sputtered at the honesty in his tone. Naruto really was one big loop hole. "Sorry, it must've hurt with me aggravating your scars." Naruto shook his head in response and guided him to the island. He hoisted the smaller male on a stool and went back to plating dinner.

"No need to apologize, I liked it. But if this is how your going to be with just a carving then imagine when I plunder you." A lecherous grin was on his face and Shikamaru ducked under his arms to avoid that look. Naruto chuckled but gave a small sigh, Shikamaru raised his head in confusion.

"It's nothing but your the first person that's allowed me to carve into them. I've had some amazing relationships in the past but whenever I start to relax myself they get scared and when I bring up the want to carve into their skin they end it. You're afraid of me, I see it in flashes whenever something excites me but yet you allowed me to carve into you." Naruto leaned on the counter giving the Nara a awed look.

"Besides that, I made a deal with myself. I said I was going to be myself whenever I see another potential relationship. I followed through and somehow you end up in my grasp. This Nara who looks at everything as a bother and yet you take on me. I know I have a lot of baggage, some you haven't seen and some you may never see. I'm fucked in the head and I've made that clear on more than one occasion but yet your still here. Why are you still here? What makes you love me?"

Shikamaru stared at him shocked Naruto's eyes gripped his heart painfully and he looked away from the blond who just sighed and went back to plating food. When he was done he sat beside him. Naruto took him by the chin and raised his head. Shikamaru was looking back at him with glassy eyes.

"I don't know why I love you-" He paused as the hand on his chin tightened. "I know your screwed in the head. I have enough sense to run away like a normal person would since your borderline toxic to the point the lines' blurred. But I can't there is something about you that makes me stay and I don't know what it is." Shikamaru finished looking down, Naruto jerked him forward and Shikamaru stumbled into his chest.

On reflex Shikamaru shot his hands forth to steady himself and marveled at the stone muscles he came into contact with. Naruto didn't seem to notice his hands on him because of how intently he was staring into Shikamaru's eyes. Shikamaru tried to divert his eyes which only earned a slight growl from the one holding him. "Your going to be the death of me." Naruto stated in a grave tone.

"What?" Shikamaru looked alarmed with how he said it. He's heard his friends with their lovers say it with endearment and a smile. A sign that they were being cute and overdramatic. Naruto said it like it was bound to come true.

Naruto tilted his head with a contemplative look on his eyes. "I'm serious, nothing good that happens to me stay that way. You might think this is some childhood trauma but really it happens. Your too good to be true and somewhere down the line something is going to happen to you and I'll be the one taking the short end to ensure you live."

Shikamaru scoffed but Naruto's eyes darkened in reply to his flippant attitude. "Naruto that's not going to happen, so stop putting negative thoughts in your head." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"You wouldn't get it and by the time you do I'll be dead already. I just hope it happens when we're past our prime." Naruto muttered to himself. Before Shikamaru could respond Naruto kissed him shut. "Forget I said anything." Naruto murmured on his lips, Shikamaru was more than happy to oblige.

'Shikamaru they say Nara's are the ones with their emotions in check and hidden to some degree. But yet here you are wearing them on your sleeve. I may not love you yet but I can respect your feelings for me and it's because of that I'll gladly take whatever backlash you bring into my life.' Naruto thought as he pulled back with a bright smile on his face.

Shikamaru was knocked back by the intensity, normally Naruto was all smirks and small grins but this......this smile made him look so adorable. Like a child with a shining sun behind them. And as quick as it came it left. Shikamaru pouted and went back to to his seat. They ate in silence but Shikamaru was happy, Naruto had leaned over to caress his design tenderly. He was getting through to the blond, bit by bit and that made him continue eating the delicious food made by his boyfriend.

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