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Momo pov;

2 days already passed after i met Dahyun that day.... also in the same time i feels like 2 days has passed slowly like hell!! Mina still doesn't want to talk to me. I don't even know what the reasons.. i sighed and sighed again.. when it come to me and Mina... I'm no longer being a smart person.. I don't have any braveness try to talk to her..... But when it comes with Dahyun.. i will think the best way to settled our problem....

I close my eyes and let the darkness comes towards me...but... My mind still can't take Mina out of my brain erhh..

Fleshback to that night ~

Momo just come back home..  she really out of her energy now... She exhausted... All the day she accompany and obeying what Dahyun want .... When she enter her apartment.... Her heart start to beating faster when her eyes meet a girl who're seats on th3 couch with serious face.....

Momo walk slowly towards Mina... They eyes still meet..

"Ermm... Still awake?? Already midnight now."- Momo start the conversation...

Mina put her both hands across her chest.

"If you know now is already midnight why you're come back home this late?!"- Mina said in serious tone voice.. Momo feels scary right now.

"Hm..i....i.. accompany my girlfriend..."- Momo answer in low tone of voice.

Mina face turn to sad one but Momo can't realize that.

"Ok."- Mina shortly answer and immediately turn her back to Momo then walk towards her room.. and closed it without looking at Momo for the last time.

That time... Momo can't understand at all..why Mina suddenly like that.. Momo still standing where she stands just now. Her eyes still on Mina's room door.

Then the next morning start to began... Momo start to used it eating breakfast , dinner and lunch at home since the day Mina move in her apartment. The next morning she are really excited to talking to Mina... But how sad ... When she get out from her room.. she doesn't see Mina at her kitchen or living room.. but the breakfast is on the table..

Momo sighed... And the next day also the same.. she doesn't see Mina but her  breakfast and dinner always on the table. Momo just eat it and then wash it... She feel lonely.. even though just a short time they're meet each other. When she lie on her bed in the night... She realized one thing... She missed the girl name Mina...

End of fleshback ~

Mina pov;

Today Mina already promised her friends to meet them at cafe... She missed her friends but what can she do.. she can't go to college like others for now..

Her life after met a woman name Momo Yoo totally change. In the short time she feels comfortable to that woman. She is not friendly to strangers and others people except her family and her 2 bestfriend.

I don't know what i feels .... But when it comes to Momo i feel safe and comfortable. It's home. But this 3days we're not talking to each other.. it's lying if i said that i don't miss her.... Momo always tells some stupid jokes when with me.. she always the reason for me to smile and laugh... It is new things ... I don't know what is that. Even just in the short time knowing her but i feels like i already know her since years ago... i feel hurt when i know she are spending her day with her girlfriend.. i hate it ...

Did I'm in love? This quick?

My thought immediately gone when someone touch my shoulder... I looked up to that people.. it's my friend Rosie and Jennie.

"Woww Mina... Since when you are start to day dreaming??"- Jennie ask as the two of them sit on the chair infront of me.

I smile to them.

"I don't day dreaming okay!"- i defend myself

"Don't lie Mina-yaa.. we know you. So what's up?"- Rosie said and ask.

I give them my sweetest smile.

"I'm okay and find too.. you guys?"- i ask back.

"Well... We are find too... Lately we're meet someone new..... They're super gentle!!!" Jennie excitedly said .. make me chuckle..

Jennie and Rosie is girls crush on our college.they never accept them.. but now i see they're finally finding someone who will they in love with.

"Woww... Don't forget to introduce them to me okay!!"- I said then Rosie  and Jennie chuckled too.

"So what do feel when you're moved to yours boss apartment?? It's all going well??"- Rosie said... And i sighed...

"Hmm it's all going well. But... Hmmm I don't know how to explain it.... I feels something new guys.."- i said in love voice..

Rosie and Jennie eyes widened...

"What feeling Mina?!!"- Jennie ask.

"I don't know but.... I feel home when I'm with her... I feel comfortable .."- i answer slowly..

Rosie and Jennie looking at each other and smiling..

"We know something too Mina!!"- Rosie said.

"What??"- i ask back.

"You are inlove!!!!"- the both said in the same time and chuckled...

"Wait... What?!! Inlove?"- i ask again with unbelievable tone of voice.

"Yes you're Myoui Mina!! I can't believe it our ice queen finally in love!!!"- Jennie said and hold my hand with smile still on her face..

I can't answer any of words... Did i really in love??? How can?!

"But how about her?....."- Rosie ask in low tone of voice. We both eyes on her...

And silently.

"You know what i meant.... You're her fiance Mina-ya..."- Rosie said again...

I  feel my body suddenly froze.... Yes I'm a fiance to a girl that i don't even want. My life full of force..but i still remind my self... It's for my parents..they choose never wrong.

But now.... Everything changed.... Can we be happy Momo??

Thanks for reading!!!!
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#sorry for my bad English hehe!!

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