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Your POV

"Y/N!first day of school you're late?!I thought you're a nice student!"I look down and I could see Zeyu was smirking at me.

"I'll punished you,You're going to clean the music and dance room after school,you will never leave until I said so!" The teacher said.

"Yes ma'am"

"Now sit!"

I sat on my chair still holding the notebook and the drawing. I put it on my bag and start to focus on the discussion. I Felt like I'm crying,But I keep hiding it.Even it hurts I force myself to smile and try to hide my sadness, because I don't wanna look weak in front of them.

* * *

-After school-

I was cleaning the dance room when suddenly someone open the door.

"Oh look who's here" Argh Zeyu again!.

"Can you please leave" I said calmly .

"No I won't" he said and sat at the corner of the room just starring at me.

"Can you please stop Starring at me" I said as he don't respond and still looking at me I sigh and continue what am I doing.

__ __ __

I'm done now and I was about to go to the music room,but Zeyu block my way.

"Can you get out of my way" I said and walk to his side but he block me again.

"Can you please leave now.It's getting dark.I wanna go home"But he never leave,then suddenly he walk towards me and I just step backwards and hit the wall.He put his hand at my left side and come near at my face.My heart was racing,I can felt his warm breath on my cheeks.

"Nice to meet you Y/n" he whispers and left.My heart was beating fast.

'What's this feeling?!'

I just ignore it and went to the music room when I was near at the music room I hear a piano playing on the music room.I peek and saw the boy earlier.
He's so cute and Handsome,I keep listening until he saw me.

"What are you doing there?" I startle and hide,then suddenly he take my hand and pulled me inside.

"H-hi. . .a-again" he chuckle and continue to play his piano,and I keep cleaning when suddenly he spoke.

"What's your name?" He ask as I turn to him.

"Y-y/n . .y-you?" I ask back.

"I'm Gou Mingrui" he responded.

"BTW thanks earlier" he look at me and smile.

"Its fine!I just don't like seeing a girl cry" he said continue to play his piano.I felt my heartbeat fast when I always saw him.

"BTW why you're cleaning?you must be at home now" he said as I stop of what I'm doing and look at him with a sad face.

"I got late at class" I paused and he look worried and try to listen to me."cuz someone throw my precious thing on the window and I took it.Its the only thing that made me think of him"


"N-never mind! I need to go home early, if I don't,grandma will be mad at me"he nod and I continue cleaning.

I was done cleaning and took all the cleaning materials and was about to leave.

"I'll come with you" I turn around and saw Mingrui taking his bag and went towards me and help to my carried those materials and went to the janitor's room and put all the cleaning materials there.

We're walking at the hallway when suddenly someone call Mingrui, we turn around and saw.


With his friends, they run towards us.They're talking but Zeyu just glare at me.

"M-mingrui i-i need to go" I run out of the building and went to our car and went home.

_ _ _

Zeyu's POV

I left Y/n alone at the dance room and smile.I can feel my heartbeat fast.

'Yah!Zeyu stop!she's a nerd she won't fall in love with me'

I hide at the corner and watch her leave the room.

'She's looks like Y/n.I wonder where is she now ?.What if she's. .no its impossible she's not Y/n. .Maybe just the same name at hers'

I just decided to go so I won't think that again. When I was walking at the hallway I hear Y/n's voice.I peek and saw Y/n Talking to Mingrui I hear their whole conversation .

"Its the only thing that made me think of him"

'What Him?Who's him?I wonder who'

"Ge-ge!" I startle and turn around and saw the others.I Felt relief.

"Yah!shuyang don't to it again" I said.

"Whos your looking at that room"Xinlong look but I immediately pulled him back.

"Is that Mingrui-ge?" Shuyang said as I pulled them away at the room.

"Don't tell me that you like Y/n" Zihao-ge said as my eyes widened open.

"Phhhh no!why would I like that stupid girl" I said

"Is that Mingrui-ge?" Shuyang pointed at the distance as we all look."with"

"Y/n. ." I said coldly they run towards them..


They just talking while im just glaring at Y/n,she look at me with fear on her eyes.

"M-mingrui i-i need to go" she run and left us.

'I'm kinda mad.Why they walking together. Are they liking eachother? Argh!stop thinking of that thing Zeyu,Am I jealous??No it can't be'

I walk away from them not saying something.


I can hear them calling me but I ignore them and went to our car.And went home,I just keep thinking of Y/n.Why I'm thinking of her?!.

I hit my head and my driver ask me.

"Are you okay sir?"

"Y-yeah" I said as its start to rain.I just watch the rain drop touch the window car.

'I miss Y/n.I wanna hug her so bad,I wanna tell her how I miss her and like her and tell I take care of Bidy,*sigh*wish you were here Y/n'


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