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"I need you"

💞Zeyu's POV💞

I was finding Y/n when suddenly Joan blocked my way.

"Where are you going?" She ask me,she's holding a black fabric on her hand.

"Get out of my way!" I told her but she just smirk and pass on me.

"Well good luck finding your girl!" She shout and I got totally worried about Y/n cuz of what she said.I checked all the rooms in the school.I got stop when I saw the others on the hallway.

"Did you find her?" Hanyu-ge ask me I just shake my head.

"We checked all the rooms except the room to the 2nd floor.No one goes there cuz its abandoned room, teachers just put there the exams and they said there they put some tools" Mia said as I rush to the second floor and search for the room.

In the end of the hallway I saw a door.There's no students around so I rush there and try to open it but its locked.

"Locked?!" I try to bang the door and kick it.I kicked the door multiple times until Its finally open.I slammed the door seeing Y/n on the cold floor laying with blindfold and both her hands was tied up,with some blood on her uniform. I rush to her and take off her blindfold, her face was red and I could see the bruises on her face even on her arms.

I didn't notice that my tears was falling down.I couldn't see her like this.Her lips was turning dark.

"Zeyu did you -*gasp*"

'Please Y/n wake up'

I try to wake her up but nothing.Her body was getting cold.I carried her bridal style and rush out the room.

"Call an ambulance" I hear Xinlong said behind me.

I was near the gate when an ambulance came,and took Y/n from my arms.

"I'll come!" I said as they nod,I went inside the ambulance ,sitting next to where Y/n's laying. The nurses put a oxygen mask on Y/n.

"Her heartbeat was to slow" The nurse said as I got scared, what if I lose her.

Then we arrived at the hospital and they bring Y/n to E.R,I try to follow them but they stop me.

"Please sir,stay here" I stand in front of the E.R door while my tears streaming down my cheeks.I sat and lay my head into my palm.

'Please Y/n stay alive for me'

I sobbed while my tears was non-stop rolling down my cheeks. Then the others came to me and comfort me.

"She will be okay Zeyu.I know she'll fight" Xinlong-ge told me while hugging me.

💞Back to Your POV💞

I woke up on a beautiful place,its like a field of flowers.

"Wow" I was just amazed, and yet I dont know where am I and how did I come here.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke causing me to turn around. I was shocked what I've seen.

"Mom?Dad?" That's the only words came out of my mouth they just smile at me.

"Yes honey" I run to them and hug them tight.

"I miss you mom,dad" I told them while holding my tears.

"We miss you too honey" Mom broke the hug and wipe my tears with her thumb.

"I'm ready to come with you" I said as their expression turn to a sadness.

"Honey.It's not your time to come with us" I look at them with a disappointed look"Someone needs you.Someone want you to stay alive"I look at them with a confused look.

"Your Best friend" My dad added,what did he mean by that . .Zeyu?

'Please Y/n stay alive for me'

I look up on the clear sky seeing Zeyu crying on Xinlong's arms.I look at my parents again.

"He needs you.He Loves you" My dad told me and look at the sky again seeing them crying.

"They need you" Mom added as I turn to them and smile.

"We're going now.Take care my little princess" mom and dad said and kiss my forehead before fading into the light.Then the place turn black,until I couldn't see anything.

* * *

I woke up on a hospital bed,I have a oxygen mask on,When I turn to the side of the bed I saw sleeping Zeyu.

'Is he really care about me?'

I slowly brushes his hair backwards to see his face,and rest my hand to his cheeks.He suddenly grabbed my hand softly, while he's half asleep.

"Y/n" he mentioned while his eyes was closed,the others was sleeping too.

I try to removed his hands but he keep tightened his grip,so I just hold his hands too and fell asleep.

* * *

I woke up when I felt someone was holding my hands.I slightly open my eyes and saw Zeyu,playing with my fingers.I just keep quiet,so he won't notice that I woke up already.

"Please wake up now.I miss annoying you" He whisper,I couldn't take it so I spoke.

"Really Zeyu?" His reaction was priceless, he hugged me immediately then I saw Xinlong in the corner of my eye,calling the doctor.

"Sorry" he told me I just pat his back and the doctor came and checked me.

"She will be fine,all she need is rest" the doctor said as they bow and the doctor left.

Then I look at Zeyu and smile.

"Thanks for Caring about me,Zeyu" I told him and he just smile at me and hugged me again.

"Thank goodness you're okay Y/n"Mia said while running towards me and hugged me.

The the other join the hugged, I was so happy to have them.I broke the hug .

"How many days I'm unconscious ?" I ask them.

"2 days,but luckily Zeyu is here to take care of you" I look at Zeyu who's now blushing, I felt my cheeks start to heated up and look away.

'Now I know. . .I know what I felt. Its . .Love'


I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now