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💞Your POV💞

–After School–

I was waiting for Zeyu to finish packing his things.

"Lets go?" Finally!! He's done.

We make our way to the library and find a book.

While finding a book,he put his arms around my shoulder.

"W-why did you—" I cut off when he shushed me.

"Some boys are looking at you" I just rolled my eyes and continue to find a book.

Finally I found a good one,I turn the pages before going to the librarian to borrowed it.

Still Zeyu's hand's around my shoulder, until we get out of the building.

"I'll gotta go.Bye see ya later" I said waving at him while his making his way to their car.

➖ ➖ ➖

I arrived home and I immediately change and went to grandma to tell her.

"Grandma can I go to Zeyu's place?" She turn to me and smile.

"Sure honey,but when you were going home?" She ask me.

"Maybe 7" I said as she nod.

"Just text the driver if you're going home"she told me.

"Yes grandma!" I said waving at her and kiss her cheeks.

I went to the car and tell the driver the address.

* * *

I arrived but I told our driver to park a meters away from the house.

I went out of the car and start to walk towards his house.

I ring the door bell and their maid open.

"You must be Y/n.Come in ms.Y/n ,sir Zeyu is waiting for you on his room" she said.

"Don't call me Ms. Just call me Y/n jie-jie" I said as she smile.

When she open the front door,I was shocked who was here.

Joan and, I think it's Zeyu's step mom.They turn to me,and Joan stood up.

"Well,well,well.Hi Y/n,nice to see you again,and why you are here?" She ask as I was about to answer but someone already did.

"She my guest!any problem with that Joan?" Zeyu said while walking towards me.

"Zeyu don—"

"Mom,we're just working on a report" he hold my hand.
"Well excuse us but we need to work on our book report" he said while pulling me into his room,and slammed the door.

"Let's start,and after this I'll coming with you" I turn to him shocked.

"What?!why?!" I ask him.

"Xinlong and the other planned that we're going to sleepover in your place" Zeyu said as I put the book on his desk and start to read.

Then Zeyu sat next to me and help me to read.

* * *
I was now writing the report when I hear a soft snor,I turn to Zeyu,he's already asleep?!

I focus on my work and after an minutes or hour I finally finished it.

I turn my gaze to Zeyu,seeing Zeyu sleeping, making my heart melt,Wait!What?!. What am I saying?!

I brush his  hair to see a clear view of his face.But suddenly he grabbed my wrist causing me to stop.

"Y/n" he mumbled again while his asleep.

I softly shake his body trying to wake him up.

"Zeyu wake up" I whisper but he just hugged me.And now I'm struggling to get free.

"Zeyu! Wake up" I said causing his to wake up.

"Oh I slept?" He ask while rubbing his eyes.

"Yes and I'm going home" I said as I look at the clock,its was 7.I immediately stood up and pick my things up, but I got stop when he hold my wrist.

I look at him,he was signaling me to wait him.

"Wait me on your car"he whisper and I have no choice so I nod.He put his bag out and put it down the floor.

I got out of his room and I didn't saw someone everywhere so I just exited the house and went to our car.

"Are we going now?" Our driver ask,I shake my head.

"Not yet" I said while looking into the window car to check Zeyu.

He finally went out and come towards the car,I open the door for him and he sat next to me,and drove home.

➖ ➖ ➖

We arrived home and knocked the door,and Xinlong open it.

"Oh!Y/n Your home!" He said as he allowed us to come in.

I saw everyone in the living room including Mia.

"Hey!Mia why are you here??" I ask me.

"Well,I told my mom, luckily she agreed so here I am" she answer .I went to my room and change and join them.

"Lets watch something" Hanyu suggested and we all agreed.

"Let's go to the cinema room" I said as we make our way there.

I took a CD and put it on the DVD. While Xinlong is looking for foods.I turn on the TV and sat down.Then Xinlong came with so many foods.

He join us and gave us some snacks.

* * *

The movie was finished already but,many of them fell asleep including Mia.

I woke the others telling them to go to bed.

I went to my room and drop my body to my bed and slightly closing my eyes.

✳ ✳ ✳


I woke up and do my morning routine, and headed to the kitchen.

I sat and our maid place a plate in front of me.

"Why you're up so early?" Our maid ask.

"But its 8am,Its almost noon" I said as she chuckle and put pancake on my plate.

"I'm just kidding.And your friends go home this morning" She told me.

"And they didn't bother to wake me up?!" I said while my mouth is full.

"Swallow that food first before talking" she said as I did what she says.

"And BTW your other friend, I think your boyfriend ~Told me to tell you that he will going to pick you up at 11 here" I spilled out the water I drink,and look at her.


"Zeyu? I think his name" she said while thinking "Good luck to your date"

"Jie-jie!he's not my boyfriend!"

"What ever,just finished your meal!" She said leaving me alone I'm the kitchen.


I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now