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"Why you're being kind to me?"

Your POV

He pour an alcohol on my wound cause me to scream.

"Yah!Can you just be careful" I said a little bit annoyed.

He just look at me and continue of what he's doing.I just stay quiet. Then he put a bandage on my would.

"Its done" I stood up and look at him.

"Why you're being kind to me?" I ask as he look at me and chuckle.

"Its none of your business too" he smirk"and you think I do that cuz I don't need something to you"I gulp and he lean towards me.

"W-what??W-what do you need??"

"Pretend to Be my girlfriend" he whisper,I froze on my place and look at him.

"Why me??there's to many girls out there!" I said.

"So do you want or not?"


"Well I don't have a choice .I think I will upload this" I look at him with his phone on his hand with a video of me,bullied by Joan in the cafeteria.

"Hey!" I try to snatch his phone but he's too tall.

"Please don't upload that video. If grandma sees that she'll be mad at me and worst she'll transfer me into different school,And I don't want to look fool to all of the people around me" I beg to him but he just smirk.

"Then pretend to be my girlfriend"

"Fine!But how long"

"If I let you go" He suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged into the classroom and met our teacher.

"Why are you two late?" She ask.

"Sorry ma'am we're late I just bring Y/n to the clinic" Zeyu said as the teacher nod and we sat.

* * *
I keep think if its just a bet or something.

I was walk into the hallway when suddenly someone put a hand around my shoulder. I Turn my head meet Mingrui.

"O-oh.Hi Mingrui" I greeted then he smile at me.

"I miss you already"

"What?!what did he mean he miss me already??"

I snap out when someone call my name,we both turn around and saw Xinlong with his friends,including Zeyu.

"Oh!are you two dating??" The Youngest said as I shake my head and saw Zeyu glaring at me.I removed Mingrui's hand on me.

"I-im gonna go" I said as I was about to leave but someone grabbed my wrist cause me to turn around.

"Where do you think your going?"Zeyu ask me with a cold stare.

"I-i want to g-go now what's the big deal?" Then suddenly he start leaning.

"Remember,you're already mine" he whisper on me and smirk on me.

"Don't you ever forget that" he said again as I nod run towards our car.

"What the-?what is that ?!he's being too mean now.And he said I'm his.No.no.no.I'm not anyone's property.I'll proof to him that I'm not his."

* * *


"Hey Y/n!" Someone shout from behind me,I turn my head and saw Mia.

"Oh.Hi Mia" I greeted her and hug me.She look at me and smile.



"Do you know who is Xinlong is?" She ask me as I nod at her.

"Why did you ask?"

"Well. .I'm gonna tell you this"she paused for a little bit and continue" I like him"I froze on my place.

"W-why you like him??"

"Cuz he's cute and a good dancer and good at basketball too" She said as someone call me from behind. We both turn around and saw Xinlong with the others.

"Oh.Hi Xinlong" I turn to my friend still froze.

"What happened to her?" Xinlong ask me as I just smile.

"She's just. Uhm ,Nervous" I said.

"Well jie-jie,we have a play later.Wanna come and watch us?" Shuyang ask me as I look at Mia and look back at the and nod.

"Sure.But with her" she look at me shocked.


"Come on Mia,I don't wanna be alone there." I beg her.


Then they walk away but Xinlong turn to us again.

"See you there Y/n and Mia! And Mia nice name"Then he turn again.

Mia shake me.

"He mentioned my name ahh!" She squeal and I just face palm.

* * *

Mia and I was sitting peacefully with my cousin and his friends when suddenly someone interrupted us and pulled my hair.I felt in the ground,as I look up I saw Joan.

"Excuse me!This is my place" I stood up and get back to my seat.

"I said that's my place!!" She shout and pulled me into the ground and start hitting me.

"Joan Stop that!" A shout from the boy,I look up seeing zeyu coming towards me and help me to stood up.

"Zeyu.My boyfriend please push her away from here" Joan said as he smirk and push Joan.

"Don't you ever try to land your hand on Y/n,and plus I'm not your boyfriend" I was shock of what he said .

"Once i saw you bullying her again.I'll assure you.You'll be dead" He said as Joan run with tears on her eyes.We both sat back as all of them look at us.

"Okay.That was uhm-" Hanyu cut off by the bell rang.


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