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Your POV
I woke up when I felt someone's poking my face,I slightly open my eyes and rubbed my eyes.

"Y/n.Wake up were here"I voice said.

'His voice is so familiar'

When I realized,my eyes widened and stood up immediately,and went out of the van.

"Home sweet home" I shout as our maid open the door and run inside cuz of excitement.

"Y/n wait!!Y/n wait us!" Xinlong shout from behind. I just ignore him and lay on the couch.

"Finally home"

They sat into the other couch and rest for a bit and then our maid made us juices.

I snatch the one Cup of juice and drink it.

"Y/n. Slow down" I hear grandma said,so I stop.

"So how's the vacation?" Grandma ask us while joining us..

"It's great grandma!" Xinlong answer and then he start to tell grandma what really happened there.

"Okay stop now Xinlong,grandma must be tired of your stories" I told him,he hit my arms and pinch my cheeks.

"Aish!what was that for?!"

"Cuz your cheeks is so chubby" Xinlong respond,they all laugh and so did I.

✳2 hours later✳

"We're going now!!bye grandma!bye Y/n!" Xinlong say good bye to us while waving,we have back while there leaving.

"Let's rest now.Tomorrow is Monday." I groan and sigh.

"School again" I said sarcastically, and grandma just shake her head.

"Come with me young lady" I followed her on . . .her room.
Grandma open a drawer and pulled a box out of it.She handed it to me,and look at her with a confused look.

"What is this grandma?" I ask her,she giggle and pat my head.

"Don't open it until you're 15.
Oh!Yes your birthday is near!" Grandma said while pinching my cheeks.

"Don't open it Until you turn 15.Its precious to me so,take care of it.I will give this to cuz I trust you Y/n.. .and" Grandma took another box and gave it to me.I open it and saw many papers
"Read it on your birthday.I know important that to you,so I keep it"The papers look so new,I think it send here a month ago.The envelope is not open yet.Maybe grandma really take care of this.

I smile and hug Grandma.

"Okay .Now go to your room and rest" Grandma said as I nod and bring the boxes on my room and put it on a corner.

'What is this?I Wonder,what is inside the other box and envelopes'

I lay on my bed and turn the lights off and sleep.

* * *
-Monday Morning-

I was walking into the hallway when I felt so different.

"Y/n!" A call from behind making me turn around. Its Mia with the others.

"Hey,what's up" I greeted and wave at them,I couldn't see Zeyu anywhere.

I was talking to them when someone pat my head causing me to turn around,seeing the one and only Zeyu.

"O-oh its you-i-i mean hello" I said stammering.Then he put his arms around my shoulder,I got startled and blush a little bit.

"Why you're startling?" He ask as I look away.

"N-nothing" I told him not looking to him.

"Let's go now.The class is almost starting" Hanyu said as we all agreed but Zeyu's arms still around my shoulder.All of the students on the hallway looking at us.

'Wish this will end soon'


I was paking my things up And Mia was already in the cafeteria with the boys.I should hurry up,I put my last thing on my bag and stepped out of the classroom.

While I'm walking into the hallway,someone covered my mouth and pulled me inside the abandoned room in school,the room is empty and the only thing I see is papers and tools.

I look up to see who pulled me inside,but I just only see 4 girls with a mask on.

She put her hand into my face,I struggle to get free but she slap me and I felt into the cold floor.

"Tied her up" The one girl commanded the other girls as the girls tied my hand on my back.

"Put a blindfold on her" she commanded and put a blindfold.Then a few moment later I felt a pain on my stomach.

I can feel a grip on my arms making me to sit up.

"You mess with me and stole my love of my life!!" She said as my cheeks heated.And they continue to beat me up,until I fell on the ground,I couldn't see anything but I can't move my body.

'Help me'

💞Zeyu's POV💞

"Yah!Stop!" Xinlong-ge said while blushing while Mia just looking away to us.

"Xinling-ge!Don't denied!" Shuyang tease them as both of the hit his arms.

I Wonder why Y/n taking so long,she must be here now.

"Hey Zeyu." I immediately look at Hanyu-ge.

"Worried already?" Zihao-ge ask with a tease tone.

"Maybe she'll coming here any moment" Xinlong-ge said as I nod.

"She's strong,Don't worry,she can take care of herself" Hanyu-ge added.

'I wish she is. .But why i feel so worried, what if something bad happened to her?No Zeyu Don't think about that thing,think positive Zeyu'

"Uh Y/n didn't take too long to pack her things,she would be here by now" Mia said as I get worried.

"Besides if I left her,she would be here before 5 minutes, but its almost 10 minutes" Mia added

"Maybe she don't want to eat lunch" Zihao-ge told us.

"But she told me earlier she'll follow,I'm scared what if something bad happened to her?" Mia's word makes me more worried.

"Let's look for her" I suggested and they all agreed.

"Yeah, I didn't see Joan this morning, she's always out every morning" Mingrui said as I got a fear that Joan do something bad to Y/n.

I immediately run and start to find her,while the other help me.

'Y/n I'm coming, don't worry'


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