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Your POV


I was sitting on my chair when someone slammed my table.

I look up and saw the one and only Joan.

"What do you want?" I ask a little bit cold.

"I wanna know why are you there last day" I look at her,didn't know what she's talking about.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't fool me I know you know what I'm saying!!" She said a little loud.

"Oh.That day.we're just doing our report that's all" I answer and then she grabbed my collar and pulled my closer to her.

"Did I tell that when ever you come closer to him,I'll going to beat you up" She said as I was about to spoke but someone did.

"What do you mean beat Joan?Who's your gonna beat?" She turn seeing Zeyu while putting his bag down on his chair.

"I-its nothing Zeyu-" Zeyu grabbed her collar.

"If I saw you beating Y/n nor threatening her,I'll won't think twice,I will end your life" He let go of her and she run out of the classroom.

He look at me and smile.

"Are you okay?" I nod and the teacher arrived.

I took out our report and handed to Zeyu.

"Okay class Its Monday,so you know that I'm going to collect your works.And I'm gonna pick a student and she or he will report their work" Our teacher said ad we all nod.She start to pick and she call Zeyu.Zeyu stood up and report our work.

"Wow great job,Its good.I will gave you and your partner an A+,for this" Our teacher said as she took our paper and Zeyu sat next to me,we high-five.

* * *

I walk towards the cafeteria with Mia,and saw the boys sitting,we rush to them and join them.

"Hey sup!" Xinlong said making me look at him with a weird look.

"Sup dude" I said with a cool voice,they bursts into laughter because of that.

Then finally Mingrui is here.

"Oh!Mingrui! How's your long lost sister?" I ask he look at me and smile.

"I didn't saw her " He answer I felt so sad cuz of that.

"Sorry for asking" he smile at me and eat out lunch.


I was walking into the hallway when Harry came to me.


"Hey" I response

"Sorry about last day" I apologized he just smile at me and nod.

"Its fine-" he cut off when Xinlong call me from the gate.

"I'm gonna go bye!" I ran to our car and went home.

* * *

I came home with Xinlong cuz his father is going to a business trip.

"Oh you two are here" Grandma rush towards us and hug us.

"I'll change now" I said walking towards my room and change.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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