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"Lovely Love story"

Your POV

I went to the teacher's faculty room to tell my teacher that I'm sick.

She nod and give me a permission to go home.I felt really weak now,I don't know why.

I call our driver to pick me up and wait for him.While I'm waiting someone called me from behind.

💞Zeyu's POV💞

I was sitting on my seat when the teacher came to our classroom. I look next to me,and saw an empty seat.I feel so sad cuz I don't have someone to tease and disturbed. Then our advisor peek into the door.

"Miss.Jeng,Y/n is excuse.She must have a hard time lately and she's look sick" then miss.Jeng nod.

"Okay Mrs.Shi" Then I turn again to her empty seat.And ran out of the classroom and start to find her.Then I saw her near the gate,I yelled her name she turn around surprise.

💞Back to your POV💞

I turn around seeing Zeyu running towards me.Then my phone vibrate,I look at my phone.

*on the phone*
Driver:I'm here ma'am

*Put down*

I start to walk towards the parking lot,when I see our car from a far,someone pulled me Into a hug.

"Don't go" Zeyu said.I try to get free but he keep tightened his hug.

"Please Zeyu,I need a rest.I wanna go home.I'm not feeling well." He loosen his hug and look at me.

"I'm-" I run to our car and drove me home.I could see him looking sad at the car mirror. I felt guilty for that but I can't handle this anymore.

💞Zeyu's POV💞
-After Shool-

I was sad when suddenly my friends came to me.

"Hi Zeyu-ge!" Shuyang greet me and he notice my sad face.

"What happened?"He ask me,I just look at him with a blank face.

"Its this about Y/n?" Xinlong join our conversion. Then someone called Xinlong from a far.

"Oh!Hi did you see y/n? I didn't see her" Xinlong ask Mia.

"Well she went home cuz she's not feeling well,our teacher said.I don't know what happened to her" Mia said as she look at me.

"Oh!Hi Zeyu.What happened to him?He's look pale?" Mia ask the other.

"Maybe he couldn't annoyed someone,like Y/n" Zihao-ge said as I rolled my eyes to him..

"We should visit her"they all agreed.

"Wanna come Mia?" Xinlong ask Mia.

"S-sure beside I want to comfort her" she said as we drive home.

-At Y/n's House-
We're at the front of Y/n's house,Xinlong knocked the door and their maid open the door.

"Ma'am Xinlong is here.With his friends" Then the maid mad us in.

"Oh!Xinlong!" His grandma hugged him as usual.

"Where's Y/n?" Xinlong ask her grandma and look up stairs.

"In her room.She never left her room until now.I just checking her,if she's okay but ,she never answer.What happened?" His grandma said as I look down.

"I don't know either grandma,I just know that she went home" xinlong said as her grandma gesture us to go into Y/n's room.Xinlong nod but I stop when his grandma mentioned my name.

"Are you zeyu?" I turn to her and nod,and she gesture the other to go now.Now I left alone in the living room with their grandma.

"Come sit" I sit at the other couch.I'm really nervous of what her gonna say.

"You know my granddaughter always telling me how she hates you" I look down.

"She's always telling me after school that 'Zeyu is annoying' 'I hate Zeyu' and sometimes she banged her bag into the couch because of annoyance"She laugh and look at me.

"But I know she like you" I look shocked of what she said.

"B-but how?" I ask politely

"She can't take you out of her mind.Sometimes I notice when I'm always mentioning your name to her,she just stare at me and smile.And sometimes I can hear her mumbling about you"she paused for a little bit.
" you two looks like me and my husband when we're at your age.We're always fighting for a little things,and just always annoying eachother,Cuz he's a bad boy"She laugh"But ended up being together. I don't know why I love him but I know Y/n like you,Cuz were the same.The question is.Do you like my granddaughter?"I just look at her and look down.

"I-i don't know" She stood up and gesture me to follow her so I follow her up stairs and went in front of Y/n's room.

I could hear their voice.And then I hear Y/n' laugh, I didn't know that I was smiling.

"You're smiling" Her grandma said as I stop smiling.

"Yah!Stop teasing us!"Mingrui's voice makes me look down.

"Yah!Jie-jie what is this letters" Shuyang ask as I hear a papers.

"Don't read that" Y/n said .

"It's from his boy best friend. Named-" Xinlong cut off I hear a shushed.

Then Y/n's grandma open the door,they all look at me.As I saw Y/n covering Xinlong's mouth.

"Oh I just talk to zeyu about something" Their grandma said as they look confused.Then Xinlong pulled me inside.

"Okay I'm leaving you here" Grandma said as she closed the door and smile at me one last time.But I notice Y/n didn't look at me just once. They notice us as Hanyu-ge clear his throat.

"What happened to both of you??" Hanyu-ge ask both of us as we just look at eachother and look away.

"I'll don't wanna tell,maybe she'll be mad at me even more" Y/n Turn to me with a watery eyes.

"Yes I am mad at you!!" She shout at me and makes me jump a little bit.Is she Jealous?

"Please calm down Y/n" Xinlong try to calm Y/n but,Y/n went to the balcony.

I feel sorry for Y/n.But I never kissed that Joan.


I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now