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Your POV

I was on the balcony when suddenly someone came.

"Can you forgive me for what I've done?" I turn to see Zeyu. I just look at the sky and try to ignore him.

"Why you're with that girl?" I ask him coldly not looking at his eyes,he sigh and look at me.

"I don't feel good that time and she just appeared somewhere- wait are you jealous??" i look at him and hit his arms.

"No I'm not!!I'm just asking" I sigh and look at the stars.

"So are you gonna forgive me?" He ask me I look at him.

"Nop-"I cut off when suddenly he pinch my cheeks. I rubbed my cheeks and look at him and hit him on the arms.

"Ow!that was hurt" he said with a smile.

"Yah!Your pinch is more hurtful ya know!" I said as we both burst into laughter.

"So do you-" I cut him off.

"Nope!.I still hate you" I saw his expression turn to a sadness,I hit his head.

"I'll do everything just make you forgive me" he beg to me but I just ignore his words.

I just smile at him and pat his head.

"Its fine.I don't really want to forgive you. Cuz all the troubles you gave me when we're pretending. Joan and her minions always beating me up when I go near you" I look at him
"And I'm sick of that"suddenly he hugged me.

"Please forgive me" He beg again,but I push him gently.

"I'm sorry,But its better if we keep distance" I said as his eyes become watery.

"Please forgive me!!" He really beg but I ignore him and went inside.

'I'm sorry Zeyu,this is the only thing that make you safe from danger.Sorry I don't wanna lose you too,wish you'll understand this and I know you'll know the truth someday.'

I went to the other and start chatting.

-Friday night morning-

I woke up by our maid.

"Why you wake me up so early jie-jie?Its too late now" I said half asleep.

"Yep but your grandma told me to wake you up" She answer and I groan.

"But I wanna sleep jie-jie. Please!!! 5 more minutes!" I beg her.

"No more 5 minutes.Y/n get up!" I look at the door and saw grandma.

"Fine grandma" I said as she handed me a clothes.

"What is this?" I ask grandma but she just smile and gesture me to get ready,I sigh and went to the bathroom and shower.

After showering I wore the clothes that Grandma gave me.

I went downstairs and I was surprise when I saw grandma talking with boystory and Mia

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I went downstairs and I was surprise when I saw grandma talking with boystory and Mia.

"Oh!there she is!" Xinlong said and they start looking at me.I went towards them.

"Whaaattss going on??" I ask them as they stood up and smile.

"Xinlong take care of Y/n" Xinlong nod and then Mingrui took my hand and pulled me.While walking towards the van he whispered something.

"You're pretty" He whisper on me and smile I was just shocked.We went inside the van and he sat next to me.

- - -
On the whole ride I was just talking to him and playing games.

"We're here!!" Xinlong said as I look outside its our rest house.

"Why we're here??" I ask Xinlong while he was taking the other things.

"Grandma said you need a rest so we decided to go here ,and come with you" he said while putting down a luggage.

"But I don't have any clothes!" I said as he pat the luggage that he put down.

"Here!while you're asleep we decided to pack your things,so if you disagreed you have no choice,to come with us" he put down another luggage and I smirk.

"Very clever Xinlong. .Very Clever" I said as I took the luggage.

"Beside we're just staying here for just one day,so just enjoy." Xinlong said as I just rolled my eyes and went inside the house with my luggage, I went to my room and drop my body on my bed.

"I miss you bed!" I said hugging the bed.Then Mia came in with a luggage.

"Oh hi Y/n.Can we share a room" she ask and I nod.she put her luggage to the corner and sat beside me..

"Why Zeyu is quiet?I notice that he didn't spoke,is there any problem?" She ask me as I sat and look at him.

"Why would I know" I respond.

"Cuz you're his girlfriend" I immediately look down.

"I'm not his girlfriend" I said as she shake my body.

"Why?!You two look so perfe-"

"We're not okay." I hugged my knees. "I'm tired seeing him with that Joan.Everytime Joan saw me near him,she always beat me or bullied me.I'm tired of all of that..And beside we're just pretending" she was shocked.

"But why?"

"He said ,her step mom force him to date Joan just to see his best friend but he always denied cuz he don't like Joan.So her step mom made a condition,he need to date someone or he will never seen his childhood best friend anymore,so here I am" I said as she pat my back. "Please don't tell anyone"

"I won't tell anything"

Then someone knocked the door.

"Girls we're going to a restaurant outside for dinner " Xinlong said into the other side of the door.

"Okay!!" We both answer and went out of the room.

- - -

We're at the restaurant sitting peacefully and ordering. It's kinda quiet,no one was talking until Zihao broke the silence.

"So Y/n . .Zeyu . .Are you gonna tell us what happened to both of you?" He ask as me and Zeyu look at eachother and look back at them.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh come on ,don't pretend that you don't know what we're asking" Hanyu said as I look at Mia and she shake her head.

"Tell us.What Happened?"


I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now