💠Chapter -(9)💠

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"Love Triangle?"

Your POV

I'm shocked on what I've saw.I jump like a child and Mia looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah!Grandma know"I was so Lucky to have a grandma like her.She know everything about me.I immediately rush to the bathroom and change.

I look in the mirror one last time before going out of the bathroom.I saw mia is ready already and she's taking a towel to cover herself.

" let's go?"I ask her,she nod and went out of the house.Only seeing the boys already playing on the water.

They notice us and wave at us.

"Hey hurry up!!The water is so refreshing here!!" Xinlong told us as Mia run to them leaving me behind.

I run too and went to them.I also forgot to tell you,we're on the Beach.

"Uh-oh. ." Shuyang pause"BIG WAVE!"He shout we all turn seeing big wave.Well not that big,we all got really soaked,and run to the shore to take a break,Then we Burst into laughter,cuz of what happened.

❇ ❇ ❇

-Evening night-

I went to the shore to look at the beautiful moon.I can feel the cool breeze touching my skin,and the air keep swaying my hair.

I freaked out when someone sat next to me.

"Its beautiful right?" He ask I look at him and nod with a smile.

"Y-yeah your right Mingrui" I answer looking back at the beautiful sea.

He sigh and look at me"Like you"I froze on my place,I couldn't even look at him.

"W-what?" I ask with a shuttering tone.

"Never mind" he told calmly and look at me straight in the eye.
I look at him too.Then he start leaning.I can feel my cheeks was heating up cuz of it.He went closer and closer until our nose touches,But I got stop when Zeyu pop on my mind,I look away on Mingrui.

"Sorry" He said while I'm not turning to him.

"Its fine" I said still not looking at him.

"I'm going back now" he said as I hear his footsteps going farther,I sigh and look at the bright moon.

'I like Mingrui but why I feel this to Zeyu?I like Mingrui but why I couldn't stop thinking of Zeyu.He's always on my mind all the time! It is because I love him?'

💞Zeyu's POV💞


I was playing on my phone of some games,but I got bored and look around the house.Then I saw Mingrui leaning towards Y/n.

I feel anger inside of me,I clenched my fist and went inside the house.

💞Back to Your POV💞

I walk inside the house,but I got stop when someone grabbed my wrist.I turn around seeing Zeyu with a blank face.

"W-what's do you want this
Time—Ekk!" He pinned me on the wall holding my both hands above my head.

"I want you"He whisper and pulled me closer to him,i struggle  to get free on his grip but he kiss my forehead causing me to stop struggling,and letting my hand.

I wanna slap him but I can't myself stopping me to do that,but I don't know why.He left me there speechless .

'Why did he do that?!'

I could feel my face was heating up.I cover my face and ran to my room,Making Mia jump off of the bed.

I slammed the door behind me and drop my body into my bed.
Mia was looking at me weirdly.

"What happened to you??" She ask me I sat next to her and look at her.

"Its nothing!I'm just over thinking" she nod and lay to the bed.

Then Xinlong call us from down stairs.

"Girls hurry up the dinner is ready!" I rush down to the kitchen,But when I was in the kitchen door,someone block my way,I look up and its Zeyu I try not to look at his eyes cuz of earlier. I walk pass him and sat and start eating out meal.

- - -

We're all done.

"So wanna watch something?" Shuyang ask us as they all nod except me.

"Okay!Let's watch some horror" Xinlong suggested and I got exited cuz I like horror movie.

They all agreed and went to the living room and turn on the television and insert a cd,and turn off the light.

❇ ❇ ❇


We are packing our stuffs cuz were going home now,I'm gonna  miss this house.

I pick my luggage and put it on the back of the van.I went inside and sat next to the window and put my headphone's on.I was listening to my favorite music when someone sat next to me,I turn seeing his catty eyes look into mine.I look away and continue to listen,until I fell asleep.
💞Zeyu's POV💞

I was scrolling down into the social midea,when suddenly I hear a soft snors.I look next  to me seeing Y/n fell asleep.

"Cute" I mumbled brushing Y/n's hair back,to see a clear view of her face.

I pulled his head slowly into my shoulder,She rest her head into my shoulder.

'Wish you're really mine'


(Sorry its short chapter.But hope you like  and Enjoyed it.❤💞)

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