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"Studying together"

Your POV

-Friday Morning-

I was with Mia,cuz we arrived too early so we decided to walk around the school.While waiting for the boys to arrived,We both went the rooftop and talk.

"Hey sup!"

We both startled and turn to see the boys.

"Yah!Can you quit doing that?" I told them as they just laugh and join us.

I notice that something or someone is missing.

"Where's Mingrui?" I ask them.

"He told us,he will be absent for today cuz they will going to his long lost sister's house." Shuyang answer immediately I just nod.

'Long lost sister? I though he's only child'

I snapped out of my thought when someone pat my head,I turn around seeing Zeyu.

"What ya thinking?" He ask me I just shake my head and he start to annoyed me again.He hit my head .

"Yah!Did I hit you?!" I said as I kick his butt and he pinch my cheeks.

"SeRiOuSlY?!WHY EVERY ONE PINCHING MY CHEEKS?!" I said I little loud.

"Cuz its so chubby!" He tease then he start to run,and I just chase him around the rooftop.

"Yah!come back here so I could pinch you too!" I shout while chasing him,as he just laugh.

Then I caught his hand causing him to turn to me,I immediately pinch his cheeks,until it turn red.

I laugh at him and run into the opposite direction.

"Yah!its hurt!" He start to chase me now.

"Catch me if you can!" I said laugh at him.Cuz when ever I look at his face I always bursting into laughter Because of the red mark on his face.

"Gotcha!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.I stop laughing and look up Into him and blush.

We just stare each other for a while until we snapped out by voices.

"Look at them.Cute" Xinlong said into a distance, we both immediately look away and making our way to them.

"There's too many Student now,let's go to class" I told them and making our way to our classroom.

I was sitting on my seat when Zeyu start to talk.

"So. .Y/n wanna hangout tomorrow?. Since its Saturday,Can we go to the mall?" He ask me,I just nod and smile.

"Sure.If grandma will allow me" I said as the teacher arrived.

"Okay class,you we're going to make a book report. So you need a partner here,I want a good book report, I'll counting on you all that you can do the book report" Our teacher said .

"Okay,choose who's your partner" Our teacher said as all of our classmate start to find a partner, I was about to ask Mia bit I think she will be Xinlong's partner.

So I just sat there,but someone tap my shoulder. I turn seeing Zeyu.

"So can you be my partner?" He ask,I guess I have no choice. I nod and I he smile brightly.

"Okay since you all have a partner.The dead line would be on Monday" Our teacher said as we all say 'OK'.

✳ ✳ ✳


We're talking and eating lunch when Zeyu look at me and ask me.

"So what are we gonna do ,on the book report?" Zeyu ask me and think.

"After school before we go home,we're going to the library to find a book" I told him as he nod.

"But where you two going to do that?"Mia ask .

"On my place!" We both said as we both look at each other.

"Fine on your place" I said.

"I'll going to pick you—"

"No need I'll go with myself, just give me your address" I said as he wrote his address on a piece of paper,and handed to me.

"Okay see you there. .At 4" I said as he nod.


(Sorry its short chapter,but hope you enjoyed it.)

(I just finished the Chapter 24.Wow how long that was and I didn't even update😂😅but I'll promise I'll upload it,I'll Publish the another chapter later.)

Have a great day!!And keep safe

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