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Your POV

"Tell us what happened?"

We both froze .

"What do you mean Ge-ge?"Zeyu ask them.

"Well you two didn't spoke to eachother.Is there any problem?" Xinlong said.

"Hehehe what are you talking about Xinlong-ge" He held my hand and show to them."See?Were fine"I look at him with a what face.But he just look at me telling to deal with it,I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah we're fine,So stop worrying about us" I said as I smile and they look convinced.

"Okay" then our ordered was served.

➖ ➖ ➖
After  some minutes we're done eating and was heading to the van.

"Is there a fun place here xinlong?" Mia ask as Xinlong look at her and nod.

"And we're going there now" Mia start to jump like a kid and I hear Xinlong whisper something.

"Cute"I immediately snapped out when someone hold my hand and it was .


I blushed a little bit and look at him with a -What- look.

" I though-"I cut off when he place his index finger on my lips.

"Shhh.I'm not letting you go yet" he hold my hand tightly and went to the van.

He sat beside me and we just not talk to each other until we arrived at the amusement park.
I went out the van and start playing some games there and ride carousel with the others.

* * *
When its done we get off and Xinlong look pale.

"Are you okay xinie?" Mia ask made Xinlong immediately stood up,I saw Xinlong's cheeks was turning pink and I was holding my laughter .

"Lets ride roller coaster!!" Mingrui said as Xinlong drop on the ground. Zihao and hanyu try to wake him up.

"Yah!Xinlong! Wake up" I face palm and I whisper something to Mia and she nod her head.

"Xinlong. If you can't,you can stay here"Mia said as Xinlong immediately stood up and look at mia.

" i-im good.Don't worry about me"Xinlong said with a nervous laugh then mia dragged him.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I ask as the other nod.

"He's Xinlong why would he not be okay" Zihao said as Some dragged me to the roller coaster.
Its mingrui,he smile at me then our ride arrived,we both sat and talk while its not started.

"I'm really scared of this ride" I said as I felt a hand into mine.I look next to me,seeing Mingrui's face..

"I'm here,so don't be afraid" he smile and the ride started.

➖ ➖ ➖

Its already done and all of us decided to go to the ferries wheel.

"I'll go with Mingrui-ge!" Shuyang shout as Shuyang dragged Mingrui to the Ferris wheel.

I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now