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"Secret Cousin"

Your POV

I went inside the house I was surprise to see one of Zeyu's friend.

"W-what are you doing here?!G-grandma!There's a stranger here!" I shout as Grandma and a Guy came out of the kitchen.

"Oh Y/n you're home" she rush at me and kiss me multiple times and hug me.

"Who are they?" I ask grandma and she gesture me to change first.

I nod and went to my room and change. I went straight to them and introduce me to them.

"Y/n this is your uncle" The guy wave at me "and this is his son" she pointed at the boy.

"Hi I'm He Xinlong" he greeted me.

"Hi im-" I was cut off.

"I know you Y/n" he said as he smile at me.

"Go upstairs Y/n and Xinlong, talk to eachother. .we're talking something" Grandma said as I nod and went upstairs and Xinlong follow me.

"So you're my cousin?" I ask as I sat at the couch as he too.

"What do you think?" He response and I glare at him.

"Okay .okay.Fine.So Y/n do you miss someone?" He ask me as I look at him and look at the ground.

"I miss my mom and dad"he look at me with a sad expression.

"Sorry I ask.So wanna play something?" He ask me again as I nod.

"What are we gonna play?" I ask.

"Some games.Please!" He beg as I chuckled at him and stood up.

"Follow me" I open a door reveling my game room.

"Wow its beautiful, and little bit boyish" He said as I went to my big screen TV and put a Game,I handed him the other controller and we play.

Then suddenly he pick up a paper.

"Zeyu?" I turn to him and took the paper to him.

"What is that?" He ask.

"I wrote it when I was 8 to my best friend"

" Zeyu? "I nod and continue to play.

"Do you have a picture of him?" He ask again ,I turn to him and shake my head.

"I don't,but her mom took many picture of us when we're just 6"he smile and nod.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door I open reveling grandma and uncle.

"Let's go home xinlong" Xinlong nod,but I hold his hand and whisper something to him,he nod and left I wave at him and he wave back.

"Let's go Y/n.Let's eat dinner" My Grandma said as I nod and went to the kitchen.

➖ ➖ ➖

I woke up and  do my morning routine and went to the kitchen to eat our breakfast.

After I eat my meal I took my bag and hug grandma. I open the car door and I was shock who is here.

"Xinlong?! Why you here!?" I ask him,he look at me and pat the seat next to him.I sat next to him and close the door.

"Grandma said I will be with you start from this day" he said as I nod.

* * *
We arrived at school and we walk to the hallway,when suddenly someone call Xinlong's name,we both turn around and saw his friends. The other boy,I think the younger jump to Xinlong and hug.

"Yah!we just see eachother yesterday"Then they stop and look at me.

"Oh.Why you with her?" The boy ask.

"Uhm Xinlong.I-i need to go" I said .

"Hey Y/n!" I turn and Zeyu walk towards me.

"Let's talk later" he whisper on my ears and he stare at me coldly.

"W-why??" I ask him then he hold my wrist tightly,and went closer to my face.

"Just meet me at the rooftop I'll wait for you" he whisper and walk away.I turn to him and glare.

"Hey Y/n!" I turn behind me and saw Mia,She hugged me.

"Oh.Mia you're here now.Let's go!" She nod and went to our classroom.I sat on our seat and I lay my head on the table until the teacher arrived.

✳ ✳ ✳


"Hey Y/n I'm gonna go.I'm really hungry" Mia said as I nod.She run out of the classroom, as I put my last thing on my bag,I felt like I'm going to pee so I rush to bathroom and pee.When I open the door,there's Joan with her minions.

"Hi Trash!"

She pulled my hair,and her two minion hold me I struggle to get free but Joan punch me on face and get dizzy.Then she slapped me multiple times and kick my tummy.I wipe a blood on my lips and she kick me again,I fell on the ground.

"Don't go near at boystory or Else. ." they left and me, was left on the bathroom. I try to stood up and went out of the bathroom.

I walk and walk until I reach the rooftop and there I cry.

"You're late" Someone spoke behind me I turn around and saw Zeyu.

"What happened to you?!"He ask me.

" none of your business "I said and cry again. Then I felt a warm hand around me.I look up and saw Zeyu's worried face.

"Come let's go to the clinic" He dragged my hand but I pulled my hand.

"No!Just leave me!" He went closer to me and wipe my tears with his thumb.

"Stop crying I hate seeing you crying" my heartbeat fast as my whole world turn into slow motion.

"Let's go to the clinic.Your wound need to be heal" he said as he dragged me but I pulled again.

"Just-Argh!" I was about to fell coz I felt really dizzy but Zeyu catch me and carried me  bridal style and bring me at the clinic.

He put me into the bed and he start to find the first aid kit.He took a box and went towards me,he look at my would first and he put an alcohol on a cotton ball and put it on my wound.I groan as he look at me.

"Don't move" he said coldly.

"Why you're being kind to me?"


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