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"The Mean Boy"

Your POV

I hear a knock on the door,I sat at my bed rubbing my eyes.

"What??" I ask .

"Ma'am you need to get ready now,school is waiting" Our maid said into the other side of the door.

"Okay!" I Said as I grab my towel and rush to the bathroom.

* * *
After I take a shower ,I saw my uniform laying on the bed,I wore it.

(Your uniform)

I went straight at the kitchen,I saw grandma and greet her

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I went straight at the kitchen,I saw grandma and greet her.

"Good morning Grandma" I kiss her on the cheeks and sat beside her,and then our maid served our breakfast.

"Xiexie jie-jie!" I thank the maid as I saw her smile.My grandma pat my head.

"Your growing kind and smart my little princess" Grandma said as I hug her and kiss her again on the cheeks, she giggle at me and I finished my meal.

I took my bag and hug grandma for the last time.

"Bye grandma I'm gonna go!" I said waving at grandma and she wave back.I went inside the luxury car of ours and drove to school.

* * *
As usual on the first day of school they will mumbled something about you on the hallway. I hate it,I went to my classroom and put my bag down and sat.I lay my head on the table and wait for the teacher to arrived. Then suddenly someone slammed my table and I got startle. I look up and saw my old classmate,my enemy Joan with her minions.

"How sad you are" she said as she hit my head and throw paper on me,Yeah she's my bully.

"What a nerd!" She said as she throw one more paper on my head and left.I hate being bullied,I stood up without looking at her and throw
The papers to her she look at me and glare at me.She rush towards me and hold my collar.

"How dare you to do that!" She shout at me as the teacher arrived.

"Hey!Joan go back to your classroom now!if you don't want a detention!" My teacher yelled and she glare at me at last.

"I'm not done with you" she whisper on me and left our classroom. I sigh and I sit

"Hey Y/n are you okay?" I turn my head and saw my Best friend Mia,I nod and look at the teacher.

"Okay class we have a new student here.Be nice to him" then a boy stepped in,He look at me but I look away.

"Hi my Name is Yu Zeyu please be nice to me" he bow and look at me again.

'Zeyu?is he. .No it's impossible! I think he's just the same name of him'

"You can sit next to Ms.L/n. .Ms.L/n please raise your hand!" I raise my Hand the boy walk towards me and sit next to me.

"Hi I'm Y/n" I introduce myself,offering a hand shake,but he just look at me and scan me from bottom to top.

"I don't want to be friend of a nerd" he said and focused to the discussion.

'Wha- how rude!'

I immediately look at front and focus on the discussion.

A few minutes later I felt Someone is starring at me I look next to me and the new boy is starring at me,he never look away.So I just ignore him and continue reading.

* * *


I was picking my things up and put it on my bag then someone tap my shoulder, I turn around and saw Mia.

"Hurry up I'm starving!" She said as I giggle at her.

"Fine!" I put my last thing on my bag and look at her again."Let's go!"she nod and we went to the cafeteria.

We're sitting and eating peacefully when suddenly I felt a sticky on my head.I touch my head and turn around ,there I saw Joan laughing.

"Sorry I couldn't see you there.You know why? cuz your just a loser!" They all laugh at me I just look down and stood up,but Joan push me,I fell on the ground. Then someone spoke.

"Yah!stop!" Its Zeyu, he help me to stand up and he look at me.Then suddenly he poured a water on me.

"Ops.Never mind" they all laugh except mia,mia was about to help me but I run. I keep running until I reach the rooftop.

I cry there until someone spoke behind.

"Did they hurt you?" I turn around and saw a boy,he walk towards me and handed me a fabric.

"Here take this.I hate seeing a girl crying" I took the fabric and wipe my tears.He look at me and smile.

"You're pretty" I look away and blushed.As soon as I turn to him to thank him,he's walking away I look at the door where he go.

"Thanks" I mumbled and smile.I rush to the bathroom and wash my head and went to class.

As soon as I entered the room they're keep starring at me.I just look down but someone hugged me.

"Sorry I couldn't defended you" I hug her back and she look at me with a watery eyes. I wipe her tears and smile.

"Don't cry" I said as she smile at me."its not your fault Mia."then we sat now.

I was writing something when suddenly someone took my notebook from my hand.

"Oh nice book" Its Zeyu then he went closer to the window.

"Hey!don't! Its precious to me!" I beg but he throw it on the window,I look where it land and went to it.

"Idiot" I hear him from my back,I wish the drawing won't ruin.

I finally reach the fountain where it lands.I took it and find the drawing.

"No!" The color is starting to fade away,I put it on a warm place.

I put it again on my hand and went to my class,as soon as I opened the door,there's the teacher.

'Oh god!I'm late!'


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