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"I'm tired"

On the Game

Your POV

I was sitting next to Mia watching the boys play.

"Wooohhh!!!GO BOYSTORY!!" The fan girls including my Friend Mia shout.

"Time out!!" The referee said as both team go to their area.Me and Mia rush to them to give a water.

"Thanks" they all said as we both smile.

"Okay!" They all shout and go to the court. When its not started yet.

I yelled"GOOD LUCK!!"boys look at me and gave me a smile.

Mingrui always making their team score cuz he's the one good at shooting,But Zeyu too.

-After The Game-

"Woho!!We won!!" Shuyang celebrated as we all giggle.

"I think Y/n's 'Good luck' made our team win."Hanyu said and smile at me.

"And in top of that.Mingrui and Zeyu do their Best to win."Zihao added.

"Yeah I notice that after Y/n-jie said good luck.both of them become more energetic and  considered to win"Shuyang said as I felt my cheeks heated up.

"Ohhh~Y/n is blushing!!" Mia tease me,I hit his arms.Then Xinlong spoke.

"Hey.Uhm Mia right?" Mia nod and I keep distance from them.

"Wanna hang out sometimes?" Xinlong ask Mia I immediately turn around and saw Mia blushing while nodding.

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!MIA'S BLUSHING!!!" Mingrui immediately hit my arms causing me to stop.

"What?" I whisper to him.

"Don't disturbed them" then Zeyu clear his throat.We both turn to him .

"Why Zeyu-ge?" Mingrui ask him.

"Nothing." He look down and I notice that he's sad lately.I gently tap his shoulder, while mingrui ran to the others.He turn to me and look at ground.

"Yah! You're so sad.Why?" I ask him,he sigh and look at me and smile.

"I miss someone" he said.


He look at me again with a smile.

"A girl from my childhood.I really miss her" I feel sad.

"Me too.I miss someone,he draw me something that make me always reminds of him" He look at me.

I sigh and try to change the topic.

"I thought bad boys,don't miss someone*laugh*" He hit my back cause me to turn to him,I glare at him .

"Yah!I didn't hit you!" I said hitting his arms,then he made me tripped on the ground and laugh at me.

"Haha!You start it first!" I stand up again and kick his leg,he groan at pain and he pinch me multiple times.


"Hey both of you stop that!You two looks like dog and cat,always fighting"Hanyu-ge said as I we glare at eachother.

❇  ❇ ❇

—4 Months later —

I'm always fighting with zeyu while the whole school know our relationship, even its not true.Even our friends know it but only mingrui know that we're just pretending, cuz I told him everything.Then Xinlong and the others start to go into our house every weekend, and sometimes sleep over.But I'm fine with that,just to see Mingrui.

But Zeyu try to change his attitude but its getting worst!.

"Yah! I told you don't do my homework!" He shout at me I look at him frustrated.

"If I didn't do your homework maybe you'll get an F!,You should thank me for that!Argh!! Why did I deal with this!!"I walk away I could hear him shouting my name.I just ignore and went to the garden.

There I saw Mingrui playing a guitar. I walk towards him and sat next to him.

"Wow wish I could learn how to play that" He look at me and give the guitar to me.I took it and look at him ,he nod and I start to play the guitar like an idiot,I can see him laughing at me while covering his ears,then he hold my wrist causing me to stop.

"This is how you play guitar"He went behind me and he rest his head into my shoulder and held my both hand,and start to play.

I just looking at him into the corner of my eyes,while humming the song.

"Did you get the cords?" He ask me but I just keep quiet,don't know what I'm gonna say.

💞Zeyu's POV💞

I chase Y/n.I wanna say sorry to her.While I'm finding her I hear her voice into the garden.I was about to run towards her but I got stop when I saw Mingrui back hugging Y/n.

I felt like my whole world crashed into pieces. And my Heart broke.

'Why she's doing this to me?Even we're always fighting on a little thing,I like her.I always like her'

I ran away with a watery eyes and went into the rooftop and cry there,I stop when suddenly someone spoke.

"Why are you crying my Zeyu" I turn and saw Joan there.

"Leave me alone!!" I shout at her but she walk towards me.

"Did that Y/n hurt you?" I looking away to her but she put her hand on my cheeks and start leaning.

💞Back to Your POV💞

I suddenly remember Zeyu.

"I need to apologized to Zeyu.Bye Mingrui!" I run out of the garden and start to find Zeyu.

"Where is he?"Then I remember the rooftop. I rush there and open the rooftop door.

" Zeyu I'm-"I was cut off when I saw Zeyu and Joan together. They both look at me,I walk backwards and was about to fall to the staircase but someone caught me from behind. I turn and saw Mingrui there.

"You forgot this-W-what happened?" I just run away while looking at the ground.

'Why I feel this feeling?! I Hate Zeyu!But . . .Why I feel anger and sadness at the sametime?! Did I like him?!Defenetly not!I Hate Him!He make my life hell. . . .But'

I stop from running and look behind me.

'I need to get rest.I need a break from all of this issue. I can't take it I need to go home'


I Hate You,but I Love You{YuZeyu💟Reader}Where stories live. Discover now