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"A Date?"

Your POV

I was looking for a good outfit,when suddenly someone spoke behind me causing me to startled and turn around,only seeing Xinlong.

"Xinlong!Dont you know how to knock?!" I told him a little bit irritated.

"Well I know" he rest his hand to the door"Your door is wide open,I thought no one is here"

I sigh"why are you here??"I ask sarcastically.

"Mia and I were going to the amusement park" He told me .

"Okay.That sounds fun" I said while finding a good outfit "wish Mia won't get bored"

"BTW ,where are you going?" He ask.

"Going to the mall with Zeyu" I response as I find an outfit.

"A date?" I turn to him.

"We're just hanging out,that's all" I told him,he nod"Now you know.Now can you please get out of my room,I'll going to change"I said while pushing him out of my room and slammed the door.


I showered and change immediately.

(This is what you wore)

I open my door reveling Xinlong standing there while crossing his arms

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I open my door reveling Xinlong standing there while crossing his arms.

"What?" I ask him,he just smile at me.

"Enjoy the date" He told me.

"Xinlong how many times-"

"Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.Just go" he pulled me down into the front door.

"Don't you dare to follow us" I said as his eyes turn to left and right and Looking back to me.

"I won't!" He said,I don't really trust that look.I turn again seeing Xinlong smiling.

Maybe he's not gonna follow me.I went out of the gate and I saw Zeyu on a distance, I walk towards him and open the car door for me.I sat at the passenger seat and he sat next to me.

Well we talk a little bit about ourselves until we arrived at the mall.

➖ ➖ ➖
-Inside the Mall-

We're just looking around and looking for clothes.

"I'll try this on" Zeyu told me.

"Go on I'll wait for you here" I said sitting on a chair,then he went to the fitting room.

I got really bored but someone walk towards me.I don't know him but I think I saw him somewhere.

"Hi I'm Harry" He introduced himself.Now I remembered he's the boy in the Library. He offered a shake hands,and I took it.We start to talk until he handed me a paper.

"Here's my number, so you can call me" I was about to take it but someone did it first. I turn seeing Zeyu holding the paper and read it.

"Sorry but she's not interest" Zeyu said while he torn the paper apart and throw it on Harry.Then Zeyu took my hands and dragged me to the cashier to pay the clothes and went to a restaurant.

I sat there waiting and also irrigated, why would Zeyu do that to a random stranger?.

Then a waiter took our order.While waiting I just ignore Zeyu.

"Hey are you okay?" He ask,I just turn to my left and ignore him.

"Sorry about that.I'm just afraid cuz your talking to a stranger" He said I turn to him.

"Well we're just pretending right?so I'm free to who ever I want to talk with." I said a little bit loud,he shushed me and then our order served.

"After this,we will going to the arcade" He said as I just nod and eat my food,just to ignore him.

➖ ➖ ➖

We're heading to the arcade,and I'm so excited yet mad.Its been a years since I  come here with my bestfriend Zeyu.

Zeyu exchange money to a token so we can play.

I was playing tekken with Zeyu,I pick Lili and he pick Paul. When it end I won.

"One more" he said as I smirk at him and play again,but this time he won.

"One more!" I said as I insert a token,in the end I won again.

Its been so long since I've been this happy,The last time I play in the arcade.I'm with my best friend Zeyu.

"Hey come on!" I snapped out and look at Zeyu.

"One more!" He said as he insert a token and I did to and start to play.

* * *

Its been  an hour,so we decided to go home,he drop me home and say goodbye to him and left.

I got block by grandma hug,I hug her back.

"So how's the date?" She ask me as I look at grandma.

"You too grandma??" She laugh at me an kiss me on the forehead.

"Go change now,and sleep" I nod and went to my room and change myself.

I took my notebook contains the drawing that my Best friend gave to me,I hug it .

'I miss you so much,Wish I'll saw you if not tomorrow soon.I really miss you'


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