Chapter 24: Recollection

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A WIDE WITH a lots of tools and things which look a lot like a laboratory room. Evenaura also have a rack of potions, a cabinet for her experiments, and cage of her guineas.

Avria nodded, full of determination. "Yes, I wanna know the truth more than anyone else. So please, Evenaura. Do anything just to regain my memories. I can't continue living like this. A walking dead. I need to regain it as soon as possible or else, my life will be doom." She pleaded.

Evenaura nodded. "Bueno, then let's start." Then she came near at the brown cabinet which contains different kinds of potions.

Evenaura came back at her with a black then turns into white then black again then to white potion. The two colors are alternating and it looks like its a hard and extreme potion. She gulped upon seeing it.

"Lay down and relax your body, Avria." She ordered and motioned her to lay down in a recliner.

She obeyed and do as what she said. She took deep breaths in relaxing her body.

"I need you to fight your life Avria. This potion is the key in regaining your memories, but it depends on you in what extent will it recover. You need to focus your mind and do your best not to get drown with your memories..."Evenaura trailed off.

Avria nodded.

"Or else, you'll died." Evenaura added.

But Avria is determined to regain her memories so she'll do it. She needs to do it or she'll continue living like a dumb.

Avria took a deep breath. "I can do this Evenaura. I'm more than determined to do this." She said firmly.

Evenaura smiled and nodded. "Just like I expected. Now, I need you to drink this potion, and then after that... you'll feel a little bit dizziness and drowsiness then the next thing will be you, sleeping and you'll woke up when you done recovering it, and there's a big but Avria."

"But what?"

"It depends on you if you want to go back or to stay. So, beware. Our mind is the most treacherous part of our body." Evenaura warned.

Avria sighed. "I can do this." She said then took the potion and drank it. .

True what Evenaura's said. She felt dizzy and drowsy. The next thing she knew, she dropped the glass causing it to broke into pieces and she fall into deep slumber.


The first thing she saw.

All students are in the auditorium because the head mistress have an important announcement. While Avria is on the back stage taking deep breaths.

On the other hand, the mythic team, which leads by Dion as a Vice because currently they don't have a leader due to the Council's decision. The Auditorium was buzzy. All people are talking about what will the agenda about.

Avria sighed. She's nervous but she have to do this. She has a mission to fulfill, and that is to find informations about Hoterio, and to know if who's the traitor inside.

"Silence please. Good day Hoterio!" The head mistress greeted everyone in the auditorium.

Instantly, the students quiet. All of their attention is on the frontstage. Listening on what the head mistress will announce.

"I have an important announcement coming from the council."

The auditorium began to buzz again upon hearing the word council. It is very unusual to have a gathering coming from the council.

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