Chapter 1 - Utopia

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[ Year 846 - January ]

Utopia district, the northernmost district of Wall Rose. Most people would say this is the safest region due to its minimal Titan activity. However, the weather is brutally cold, rarely exceeding 30° C even during the hottest summer day. Moreover, despite its name being Utopia, there's nothing utopian about it.

A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens but the reality here is far so different. For one thing, my situation.

Perfect qualities for its citizens my ass!

I brought my knees closer to my chest, my useless attempt to keep myself warm. Knowing it's currently winter totally makes this even worse. I haven't eaten anything in 2 days. Even drinking water is hard for me. I need to drink a dirty one or steal someone's water. I know I'm barely keeping this up, I could die whenever and wherever by now.

But, I don't care. I don't really give a fuck about me dying. I don't have anything to lose. I have no families, no fortune, nothing. Now that I think of it, why did I bother to survive?

Ah, right.

I am scared of one thing. The pain. So, perhaps, I do care about dying. At least, I don't want to die from starvation. I want a quick death or maybe... I want an epic way of death.

Why am I born in this world, to begin with? What is my purpose here? Just to rot and die on the street?

Yeah, maybe, deep down, I do care. Maybe rather than wanting to die, I want to be able to live. I want to know more, I want to do more. But, knowing I won't be able to do that hurts me.

Now, even this rumbling noise coming from my stomach is irritating me. Ah, how annoying. Being alive that is. Maybe not for them who has everything. Wait, now is not the time to be lost in my thoughts again. I have to find something to eat. Even garbage will do. I have to get rid of the pain in my stomach.

I tried to gather my energy and once I felt like I collected enough, I raised my chin up, and there I saw someone holding a warm bread. I thought to myself how lucky I am that day.

I took one deep breath before I stood up, ran towards the bread, taking it, and ran away as fast and far as I could. I glanced back while running and when I found out I just stole bread from a soldier, I know I have to take back the how lucky I am.

I'm screwed. I'd be able to handle that ignorant military police easily if I'm not in this much hunger. They're chasing after me and I don't think they'll stop. Alright, I just have to use my petite figure to my advantage. I can run through small, narrow places and that tall and bulky man can't.

Let's see how long they'll be able to keep up with me.

"Bring it on, assholes."

Erwin's POV

As expected from the northernmost district of Wall Rose, it is cold here. Especially on a winter day like this. The good thing here is probably just the minimal activities of those titans.

"Here you go."

I gave my money to the baker's and took the bread from him. I must admit, warm bread on a day like this is good.


I turned around and saw Miche signaling that he had finished what I ordered him to do. He gave me the paper scroll and before I could take it someone took it away, along with my bread as well.

"Hey, you!"

I heard Miche shouting and without waiting for anything he chased after the child. The paper scroll is important so I followed chasing the child too.

PROTOTYPE『ᴇᴘɪᴘʜᴀɴʏ 』 - 𝒜𝓉𝓉𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝑜𝓃 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓉 - Where stories live. Discover now