Chapter Five - Giant Lake

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[ After-Dinner - Commander's Room ]

It was late at night, but the commander still has some paperwork to do especially when they're about to go on another expedition. He has to think of new formation and other things to minimize casualties of his soldiers and to make sure the mission won't be a failure.

Not to mention, how he has a little kid to look after now.

"Erwin." Levi entered Erwin's room with important documents on his hands. He went to Erwin's room to deliver it but also because he has something to discuss.


"You're not going to tell us what your next plan is?" Levi walked towards the chair in the room and pulled it closer to Erwin's table.

"At least tell me what you're planning by giving that book to (Y/n)."

"I gave her the book because she wanted one," Erwin replied as he works on his paperwork.

"Hmm. What would you do if they took this brat?"

"They won't."

"How can you be so sure?"

Levi stared at Erwin and finally, Erwin stopped writing and stared back at him.

"If they care about her, why didn't they took her when that happened? People who think certain things about the world are forbidden and shouldn't be touched wouldn't want anything to do with her." Erwin explained his reasons to Levi.

"Tch." Levi could only click his tongue in response.

"Even if she ended up not knowing anything, I think it's still a good thing we brought her here. You will know why sooner or later."

[ The next day ]

(Y/n) woke up around 5 am, that's her habit now, and then she'll do 5 laps jogging and some other exercises before she will take a quick combat-style or military-style shower. After that, she will do a quick review of what she learned (academic side) and have breakfast.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Hange spotted (Y/n)'s tiny figure at the mess hall and gave her a little surprise hug from behind. (Y/n) used to hate this when she just first arrived there but experiencing the hug on a daily basis made her eventually get used to it.

"I just realized your hair has gotten long again." Hange murmured while she took a few strands of (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair. Her lips then curved into a mischievous smile and she whispered, "Hehe, want me to cut it again?"

It was true that Hange cut (Y/n)'s hair before but she absolutely hates the result. Hange tried her best but (Y/n) just prefer cutting it on her own now.

"No, thank you." (Y/n) sighed.

"Oh, come on, don't be shy~!" Hange tried to persuade (Y/n) into letting her hair be cut but (Y/n) is traumatized by the haircut Hange gave her.


"Come on!"


"Oi, shut up you shitty four eyes and brat." The short captain stepped in.

"Ohoho! Levi!" Hange greeted him with a grin. "Levi, go tell (Y/n) to let me cut her hair!"

(Y/n) who heard that quickly shot a death glare to Hange. She's in the brink of her patience with these hair things.

"Leave the brat alone." Levi lazily shoved Hange away.

"C-Captain!" Suddenly a short female soldier with blonde hair and brown eyes saluted at Levi. "The commander said that there is an urgent meeting. He is asking for yours and squad leader Hange's presence."

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