Chapter Eleven - Kidnapped (II)

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Without knocking, a cadet stormed into the commander's room with panic plastered on her face. The soldier pressed her lips together, making them all but disappear. Her flesh lost all color, becoming chalk-white. That became even worse when she saw humanity's strongest is also in the room.

"Speak, cadet."

"Yes, sir! Uh, we just found out someone was disguising as one of the soldiers and they took (Y/n) with them." The cadet saluted as she explained the situation.

Levi and Erwin's eyes turned dark as soon as they heard that. They dropped everything they're working on and hurriedly left the room. They put their ODM gear in case things get muddy and rode on their horses. They also told Hange and Miche beforehand.

Deep inside of Erwin, rage flow through him like lava. He smoldered with resentment. He had planned a strategy to get her back. Based on what the cadet witnessed, they were riding on a wagon. There were 3 robust men in total and they looked quite skillful, they were trained to become strong. Fortunately, they weren't very smart because the cadet found a pocket watch that seemed to fell out from one of their pockets and they also left few traces on their path.

"They went through that way." Miche who had sniffed the pocket watch is pointing at a certain direction.

"Yes! At times like this, your skill really is helpful, Miche!" Hange cried out from her horse then she followed the other men.

It took them around 50 minutes until they caught a glimpse of an old yet large house. At first, it has the vibes that no one lives there anymore. Erwin, Hange, Levi, and Miche are no longer in the Scout Regiment HQ territory, as a matter of fact, they are in another whole different area now, they're in a village. The house itself is in the middle of nowhere.

Soon after, Erwin ordered everyone to get off from their horse to avoid being noticed. Miche used his nose to sniff again and he nodded, claiming that the kidnappers are there along with (Y/n).

Levi used his ODM gear to get on top of a tree and he discovered a used wagon on the back part of the house. It confirmed it even more that they're at the right place. But another problem arises, Miche noticed a few other scents which mean that there are more than 4 people inside.

"It won't be a problem. Miche and Hange, you two stay put on the roof. Levi and I will directly face them from the front door." Erwin calmly instructed the two. Well, at least on the surface he looked calm.

"Tch. Let's just get this done quickly." Levi gripped his knife tighter as he walked to the house. He wouldn't go as far as killing them but he wants to give those kidnappers some lessons.

Levi kicked the door roughly, breaking it into fractions. He instantly scanned the room for (Y/n) and counted that there are 18 people inside, not including (Y/n). He didn't know (Y/n)'s whereabouts at all. She isn't in that room, she must be in other rooms or inside of something.

Some of those men started running, ready to attack Levi. But they seemed to forget how he got humanity's strongest soldier as a title all not for nothing. Levi didn't even use the sharp part of the knife, he only used the back of it and managed to knock down some. Erwin too did the same as Levi, only he didn't use a knife. He used the back of the swords he usually used to kill titans. In those kidnappers' eyes, the duo resembled demons so well.

"Get the girl somewhere else!" One of them screamed, followed by some people doing exactly what they are being told.

Erwin didn't allow their scenario to go well. There is no way he's letting that happen. He stormed after those men who were about to move (Y/n) and ruthlessly made them unconscious.

"Listen, the minister would pay you too if you let the girl come with us! This girl is his bastard y'know and her mother was a crazy woman. The minister would pay a lot." One of them who wore a black hat and has a mustache thought that would work on Levi but instead of stopping Levi, he only got kicked by Levi and made him even more furious.

After Erwin and Levi made sure all the men are too weak to move but strong enough to talk, they allowed Miche and Hange to came in. They roamed the house, searched in every room they can find inside the house but still, (Y/n) is nowhere to be found.

"Where is (Y/n)," Levi demanded to be answered but no one wants to answer him.

"Where." Levi stepped on the black hat person's head. The man only laughed.

"Erwin." Miche tapped on Erwin's shoulder and showed him what he had found. Miche found (Y/n)'s dress.

They knew Miche would rely on the scent. Those kidnappers changed (Y/n)'s clothes and in the middle of the road, they seem to have given her to another person.

"....They fooled us." Hange bits on her lips. Then she realized, all of them are grown-up men and (Y/n) is a 10-year-old girl. Who undressed her? Hange lowered her gaze then she calmly asked them, "Who changed her."

It was calm, but also cold and threatening. The Scout Regiment quartet stared at the men one by one and it took them quite fast to find which one because he's trembling the most.

Levi walked up to the person and proceeded to punch his face and beat him up.

"You." Erwin grabbed the black hat's collar and gives the person his icy piercing stare. "Where is (Y/n) right now." Erwin's voice is threatening and his aura is too overwhelming. When he feels the black hat person not gonna answer, he slowly tried to make the person can't breathe. He doesn't mind dirtying his hands in order to achieve his goal.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" The black hat person said once he realized the man is going to kill him. "She's in another part of the town. The minister owned a bar with a basement. She's being held captive there."

Once the man blurted the location of (Y/n) out, Erwin threw the man onto the ground harshly and called his team to regroup because they're going to the mentioned bar. But then he changed his mind and commanded, "Hange, Miche. Send this to Darius Zackley. Make sure it reaches him as soon as possible. Do not lose it."

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