Chapter Fifteen - Training Corps

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Finally, you are enrolled in the Training Corps. You are now standing in the middle of hundreds of people, listening to the head instructor shouting to the cadets with a bored expression on your face. At the moment, you are wondering if this is really necessary for the training purposes but oh well you will just consider this as an introduction session. Still, you just don't like how sometimes when people shout they can accidentally spit at you. That's very unhygienic.

"YOU LITTLE! THERE! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The head instructor of the Training Corps, Keith Shadis asked. You glanced at who the poor guy he's shouting at now, curiously, and you can't believe how surprised you are right now.

"Armin Arlert from Shiganshina District, Sir!"

It's the boy you met back then! You didn't pay attention to what's happening after that but some other people are being asked and shouted at too. Someone who has a horse-like face who wants to join the MP and some idiots. Your ears grew tired from hearing all of the shits and without you realizing, you started yawning.

"Crap." You thought to yourself. Knowing how you just got the instructor's full attention.

"YOU! WHO ARE YOU?!" He screamed at you, making you narrowing your eyes. Not because you are afraid but you just don't like that.

"(Y/n), sir." You gave him a neat salute. Can't forget what Levi has taught you now, right?

"(Y/N) WHO?"

Tch, this is the question you'd like to avoid but you don't want to get punished as well on your first day.

"(Y/n) Smith, sir." You stared right into his eyes.

"Hah, Smith? Which Smith? The Scout Regiment commander's Smith? Some name you have to live up to!" He laughed, trying to crack you down, but come on. That thing works nothing for you.

"Yes, Sir. I know." You sounded extremely unamused.

The instructor probably starting to get bored with your answers so he left you afterward, giving you a temporary peaceful time.

[ Dinner Time ]

After hours of arduous training, you and the 104th cadets can finally have dinner. You didn't plan to befriend anyone before but since you saw Armin, you wanted to greet him.

"Armin!" You ran towards his table, with the food tray on your hands, not really giving any fuck to yours or his surroundings. You secretly hoping that he still remembers you. He was quiet for a moment, with his blue eyes widened, making you even more nervous but slowly his lips curved into a big smile.

"(Y/n), It's really you!"

"Oh, y-you remember me?"

"Of course you had helped me before! Oh, these are my childhood friends Mikasa and Eren." He introduced his friends to you. You turned to see them and when you saw Eren's face you suddenly got an awful headache. Everything suddenly began to swirl and you plunged towards the ground.

"(Y/n)?!" Armin jumped out from his chair and puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you his worried look. You shook your head trying to shake away the pain and soon you came back to your sense.

"S-sorry. I'm (Y/n)." You introduced yourself to the oriental looking girl and the boy next to her.

"Mikasa Ackerman."

"Hi, there. My name is Eren Jaeger!" Eren smiled. You kept staring at Eren, something about him is making you feel... Almost nostalgic. As if you knew him before.

"...Uh, (Y/n)?"

You were zoning out until you felt Eren's hand on your cheek. You stepped backward, in surprise and realized that tears were rolling down your cheeks. Fuck, what was that for?

You had no idea, your eyes just started doing that without your command.

"Did Eren make you cry, (Y/n)?" Jean who was eating at the table just across the trio's table mocked.

"What the heck are you saying?!" Eren slammed his hand on the table and stood as if inviting Jean to fight. Well, Jean kinda invited Eren first.

"Eren." Mikasa held Eren's sleeve.

"Stop it, it's not Eren, Horse-face." You sighed.

"HAh! HEAR THAT? HORSE FACE?" Eren laughed at Jean, making the boy's cheeks as red as tomatoes. They are now are holding each other's collar.

"Oi, you brats."

Even though you are younger than everyone else there, you called those two brats and pushed them away from each other, standing in the middle of them. They were a little surprised that a small girl like you could push them away, surprised enough to stay quiet.

"Enough or else you'll get all of us in trouble if the instructor came." You mumbled.

"(Y/n) is right." Mikasa agreed with you.

The two boys shot a death glare at one another before going back to their own respective tables. You went to sit next to Armin and eat your soup.

Eren started telling you where he came from, what happened to him and his family, and basically almost everything. You really are in confusion because... You two just met and he already told you all that?

"So, (Y/n) I heard you shared a similar last name with the Survey Corps commander! I know there are lots of Smith out there but are you two related or something?" Eren bite on his bread and you shrugged.

"Well. Sort of."

You mean, you are legally his adoptive daughter now. Although you had no blood ties or anything.

"That's so cool! I want to join the Survey Corps..."

Eren started rambling on how he wanted to join the Survey Corps again, how he wanted to kill all the Titans. Honestly, he just... Repeating things. But, you don't really feel that bothered by it. Eren doesn't seem like a bad person. Although can sense how easily triggered or angered he is.

Still... You can't shake the uneasiness inside of you.

'..Jaeger...Ackerman...' You kept repeating their names inside your mind, wishing it would somehow give you something.

You don't know but you plan to find out what makes you feel that way. No matter what.

After finishing your dinner, you went to clean up but stumbled upon another man's chest. Your nose hit his body pretty badly, making you fell because of the impact, dropping your bowl, spoon, and cup.

"I-I'm sorry, are you okay?"

You looked up to see a male with short blond hair, gold eyes, and a squared face. His large height, broad shoulders, and serious expression give him an intimidating presence. What was his name again... Reiner Brown? Braun?

He held his hand out which you accepted, then he pulled you so you can stand back up again. Compared to him, you are... Small. You really do hate being only 145 cm tall. Because you can't really literally look down on people.

"I'm fine."

"Smith, isn't it?" Reiner asked looking into your eyes.

Your eyes met his and you answered, "Just (Y/n), Braun."

Somehow he also gave you the uneasiness, a different kind from Eren but... What the hell is wrong with you?

"Oh, you can call me Reiner too." He smiled.

"Alright, Reiner. Uh... I gotta clean this." You took your bowl again along with the others and proceed to walk to the washbasin.

Everything is weird here.

PROTOTYPE『ᴇᴘɪᴘʜᴀɴʏ 』 - 𝒜𝓉𝓉𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝑜𝓃 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓉 - Where stories live. Discover now