Chapter Fourteen - Packing

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[ 847, A Day Before (Y/n) Left For Training Corps, Erwin's POV ]

I watched (Y/n) as she finished packing her stuff she's going to bring as she departs to the training corps tomorrow. She only packed a few things. Her important journals, few clothes, and other essential things. Somehow, I'm suddenly reminded of her discussion with Hange days ago.


"I don't understand, Hange. I believe that knowing one's enemy is to have the tactical advantage of it. Why can't you go on an expedition to retrieve one or two titans? Titans are light right? They don't seem to be as active at night too. Then, wouldn't that make capturing a small one possible?" Turning quickly, (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes locked with Hange's, and there were no words that could sum up the intense wave of emotion.

"But, the cost of it, (Y/n). It would cause lots of lives."

"But, on every expedition, you lost lots of lives too. What difference would it make? Their death won't be meaningless, they help humanity to learn about something." (Y/n) looked at Hange sharply.

"Uwaa-That's a dangerous thing to say, (Y/n)." Hange lets out a nervous laugh. "But, I do agree with your point. It's just that we don't have any concrete plans yet and stuff with the government as well..." Hange scratched the back of her head.

"I'm sorry, I have to admit what I was saying is a little messed up. I wouldn't want to see even more soldiers dying." (Y/n) dropped her question and took note of it.

I, who heard the discussion between them, fell deep in the moment. Maybe I will be needing to evaluate that later. I'm still skeptical of Hange's wish to capture one or two titans but her obsession towards those creatures... Well, anyhow, I can't wait to see what kind of a woman (Y/n) would grow to be.


"Yo, Old man." (Y/n) is now standing in front of me, waving her hands to gain my attention while raising one of her brows. Right, she is calling me an old man because of Hange's influence.


"I was saying, don't expect too much from me. I don't plan to be in the top 10. I don't like ranking or whatsoever. Though, I am confident in my skills."

Ah, just like what Levi said before.

"I see." Was my only reply to her. What else could I say at this moment? She has made up her mind, no one would be able to change it.

"Well, I will still show them how skillful I am. Just not when they are grading it. I mean, I can't make you lose your face here, can I?" She continued.

"I know."

"And I, uh, I actually want to give this to you." (Y/n) took something out from her pocket and shyly gave it to me. It was a handkerchief with my initials embroidered on it.  "I made this myself. You- uh you can throw it away if you want but-"

"Thank you, (Y/n). I'll bring this everywhere with me." I cut her before giving her a subtle smile. It's unusual for her to be giving me something like this.

"G-Good then!" She lets out an awkward yet smug chuckle.

"Oi, brat, you forgot you promised to clean the- Oh, Erwin." Levi noticed how I'm standing in front of (Y/n)'s room and shot me a questioning look. But soon after he ignored my presence and continued talking to the girl.

"The shelf at my office. You messed it up yesterday. Don't forget to make the tea too."

"Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about it." (Y/n) made an 'o' mouth to Levi.

"Tch. Just do it now. Is that okay, Erwin?"

"Yeah, totally."

With that, we went back to our own activities.

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