Chapter Seventeen - Kiss

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Weeks later, the 104th cadets are still taking lots of training to be a soldier. Everyone is training hard to be in the top 10 so they can join the infamous Military Police brigade then live a comfortable elite live in the interior. This time, they are attending a hand-to-hand combat training, and (Y/n) just has the worst luck that day. Head instructor Keith Shadis has ordered her to spar with Reiner.

(Y/n) is a good fighter but after watching Annie making Eren landed on his butt several times, she is fully aware that she is nowhere as good as Annie Leonhart at hand-to-hand combat.

Now that she is in the Training Corps, (Y/n) has realized what she's very good at, pretty good at and bad at. Before joining, she thought she mastered everything, some kind of prodigy or something. There was no one of her age back in the Scouting Regiment HQ so it always seems like (Y/n) is very good at everything, but really, now she knows.

She is very good academically and at ODM gear. She's also pretty good at leading her squad when it's needed but she is not the best when it comes to fighting human or hand-to-hand combat. She is agile but lacks the actual strength. She could only use some tricks on her sleeves to win as her last resort but of course, that won't be very efficient.

She still has chances of winning but when she is facing someone skillful or someone twice or more her size, she'd have to work hard on defeating them.

Reiner is thinking very hard. Should he hold back and be easy on her? Or should he go at full force? Can he though? He doesn't really have the heart to do it. He doesn't want to underestimate the girl but (Y/n) is just as small as Christa with a slightly more bony figure. He is afraid of hurting the small girl.

"Don't hold back, Reiner." (Y/n) kept her stance, holding a knife with her right hand.


There is no way he's going to!

"Hiyah!" (Y/n) ran to Reiner, wanting to stab him but Reiner quickly and, rather, easily to a grasp of her body and gently flips her to the ground. But, (Y/n) immediately took his collar too and made him lose his balance due to surprise.

They both landed on the ground, with (Y/n) on top of him, what made it even awkward and wrong is that, somehow, (Y/n)'s soft lips are pressed on Reiner's. Noticing it, both turned red. (Y/n) being the most red. It even reached her ears. She immediately pulled herself and get off of Reiner.

She tried calming herself down by repeating 'it's training accident.' To herself like a mantra. Yes, it was an accident. An embarrassing one.

They didn't notice how Annie who was wandering around, ditching the training, as usual, caught them in the scene as well as Mikasa. Mikasa was kind enough to ask (Y/n) to switch partners. So now Mikasa is sparring with Reiner and you are sparring with another female cadet.

Tomorrow will be the long-awaited day off for 104th cadets. (Y/n) were planning to visit the Scouting Regiment HQ but decided not to. She will just send letters to her family. Erwin, Levi, Hange, and Miche.

After dinner, she rushed to get parchment and pen. Then she went to a quiet place to write her letters. She missed them, although she hates to admit it. Yet, she felt like she shouldn't come to the HQ yet. It hasn't been a year yet. Only 5 months. A letter would be sufficient.

[ Next day, Afternoon, Scouting Regiment HQ]

"I GOT LETTER FROM (Y/N)!!!" Hange cheerfully announced as she ran through the hallways, heading to Erwin's office to show off.

"Tch, I got one too, shitty four eyes."

"..." Miche only showed Hange the same letter he has gotten from (Y/n).

"..We all got them." Erwin's eyes are directed to the newly read letter in his letter. It is also from (Y/n).

Hange is now frowning. No longer feeling the most special one.

"Oh well. What about the content? She mentioned she had her first kiss recently. Hohoho~"

Hearing that, the men went quiet. Miche is already quiet from the beginning though. They became quiet because they realized something. (Y/n) only mentioned that to Hange which could be a lie Hange made or... It's true.

"No way." Levi took Hange's letter.

"I'm not lying, go read it yourself!"

Levi opened the letter and just like what Hange claimed, (Y/n) did write about how she ACCIDENTALLY had her first kiss with a boy during training.

"It's only an accident." Levi gave the letter to Erwin.


"Hange." Erwin stopped Hange from saying more.


"Tch, that brat. It's her day off but she's not going back." Levi muttered again.

"....Maybe she went for a date...?" Miche who was quiet finally spoke.

"Miche." Erwin, once again, stopped his soldier from speaking more.


"Miche. Deliver this to (Y/n)." Then the commander gave a little box to Miche which he accepted. He gave Erwin a salute before running off to do his errand.

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