Chapter Thirteen - Past

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"But, let me ask you. How much do you know about me? I'm sure you did a background check on me." (Y/n) asked quietly, breaking eye contact with Erwin and Levi.

"We know how your mother was found wandering outside the walls and how she was murdered," Erwin answered.

"So, you've known it earlier than me." (Y/n) smiled to herself in a saddened way. "Anyway, as you can see, I didn't know that before." (Y/n) sighed before continuing by telling everything her biological father told her, Erwin said the man's name is Malus (random last name) of the (random last name) noble house.

Erwin and Levi's conclusion came into this, according to Malus, (Y/n)'s mother was found by one of the soldiers from Garrison when they spotted someone walking outside the walls in confusion. She was then brought to the Military Police to be questioned but somehow the Military Police only see her as a crazy woman after they heard her telling them about her titan's theories and sent her to one of the brothels at the underground beneath the innermost land in the capital city of Mitras. She was begging them to let her go to Shiganshina District to meet a doctor, possibly someone she knows, but her pleads wasn't heard.

One day, Malus raped (Y/n)'s mother, technically he paid for the service but (Y/n)'s mother never consented to it, to begin with, and he ended up making her pregnant. Malus wasn't a minister yet at that time but he was still someone with a considerable title so he doesn't want anyone to find out or else his reputation will be tainted and he won't raise to his current position.

But since they lived in the underground, Malus thought it won't be a problem. They won't be able to go anywhere freely. Everything changed when he heard (Y/n)'s mother ran away and successfully escaped the underground with her baby. That scared Malus so he bribed some Military Police soldiers to find them and kill her so someone won't use them to bring Malus down from his position. After a long time, they did find her and killed her but (Y/n) survived. That's where Malus' story ended.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) told both Levi and Erwin how her mother is indeed strange but not to the point where she's totally crazy. Strange thing is that (Y/n) couldn't really remember what she was saying but she remembers how she'd tell her about the outside world and things about Titans. She just doesn't remember the details, only the topics. She also mentioned how she thought her mother was murdered because she was sharing her theories of the outside world and titans to other people.

"...That's all, I don't know what else to share to you." (Y/n) lowered her gaze, biting her lower lips. "I don't think I have anything special to offer to the Scout Regiment. I don't think I am what you were looking for. I didn't have anything useful for humanity. I-"

"Shut up, brat." Levi cuts her. Levi was already sympathetic towards the little girl from the beginning, even if he tries to hide it, but knowing she was born in the underground and how her mother was working at a brothel just hits him even more.

On the other hand, Erwin felt something else. He knew what it feels to lose someone who got murdered because of how they were telling the truth.

He has to admit that upon knowing (Y/n)'s mother was found wandering beyond the walls, he had hoped (Y/n) could have something useful for the Scout Regiment. Something that can bring humanity closer to the truth. But now, he had become attached to the little girl. Without realizing it, he wanted to protect her. Even after knowing her stories, he didn't feel like bringing (Y/n) here was a mistake. He didn't regret it. Not even a bit. Truthfully, he still had some expectations. He just knew that something much more is awaiting them but even if it isn't, it's fine.

"I still believe how you will have something useful for humanity. You will bring us closer to the truth. But, even if you don't, I don't mind." Erwin's voice was as calm as usual, (Y/n) felt the tension in her left her body at once. She started chewing on her lower lip and eyes welled up with tears.

"Thank you." (Y/n) gave them her biggest smile.

[ Afternoon ]

Erwin and Levi started their own private discussion when (Y/n) is taken away by Hange to see the doctor. It suddenly rains in the afternoon.

Levi heard the loud pitter-patter of rain that met with the room window. It trailed down the smooth surface, collecting into a little puddle on the ground. Soon lightning strikes and the dark sky is brightened with a golden gleam.

"Malus said (Y/n) was born in 837, this makes her being only 10 now, Erwin. What are you going to do?"

Levi thought that if she joined the 104th training corps, she would only be 11. The requirement to enrolled in the training corps is being 12 years old.

"She's a special case." Erwin shortly replied.


"Furthermore, I'm thinking of legally adopting her, Levi."

Levi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He almost choked on his black tea. This man, the person who would sacrifice anything only for the truth he's seeking, the man who decided to let go of his love for Scout Regiment, is now thinking of adopting a child?

"Don't be absurd." Levi ridiculed the idea. "You're being irrational."

"No, this is the most logical thing I should have done in the beginning. Although, now, it will be up to her whether or not she accepts." Erwin is being serious, that is for sure.

"You're being fucking serious here?" Levi asked in disbelieve but he then thinks of something. Maybe it will be good for (Y/n). "Tch, do what you want."

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