Chapter Eighteen - Day Off

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[ Back to the Training Corps! ]

(Y/n) planned to wake up a bit later than usual, it's her day off after all, but it only became a plan and a dream. Everyone woke up earlier and being the not so heavy sleeper (Y/n) is, their noise disturbed her sleep. Eventually, (Y/n) gave up on trying to sleep and woke up. She washed her face and brushed her teeth afterward. She also did her quick shower.

When she went back to the sleeping barracks, the girls were dressing up. Most of them are. (Y/n) stared at the girls who are now doing their hair.

"(Y/n), come here!" Christa noticed how you were watching the girls. She is thinking of something to do to the youngest cadet, not that she truly knows how old (Y/n) is.

"H-huh?" (Y/n) is confused when Christa gently picked a few strands of her hair and started to brush it.

"Being all nice again, Christa?" Ymir looked unamused. Christa only pouted but continuing on doing magic to (Y/n)'s hair.

Christa neatly arranged (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair down with two braids on her right and left side, tied them with (f/c) ribbons.

"Look how adorable you are, (Y/n)!" Christa clasped her hands together in glee. "Everyone, look at (Y/n)!"

At this moment, (Y/n) just wished she vanished.

"T-Thank you, Christa."

"Hold up!! (Y/n), do you have other skirts or clothes?" Sasha asked, looking at how you only wore your white shirt and pants.


And Sasha can already guess the answer is no. The potato girl went to check her bag and then threw a (f/c) skirt to (Y/n). Sasha told her to change into it and she did. It was too long for (Y/n) but with Sasha's tricks, it fits.

"Oh, here too!" Mina, another cadet, applied something on (Y/n)'s lips, making it appears even more reddish pink.

"Now, not even the armored titan or colossal titan would eat such an adorable thing like you!" Mina giggled.

"....But, I'm not going anywhere today. Why would I-" Sasha shushed (Y/n) by putting her index finger on (Y/n)'s lips.

"Come on, let's show the boys!" Sasha dragged you outside and you only yelped.

"Mikasa, help me!"

Mikasa was about to take the poor tiny girl away from Sasha, but, Sasha was much quicker. She had already taken (Y/n) out and showed her to the boys.

Connie, Marco, Jean, Armin, and Eren were the first ones to see (Y/n)'s transformation. They reacted in different ways. Connie had his mouth hung open, Marco is smiling like usual, Jean is averting his gaze with a faint blush on his cheeks, Armin kept his stare at (Y/n) and Eren? He smoothly giving (Y/n) compliment.

"You look pretty, (Y/n)." He praised you. He thinks it's pretty but as a soldier maybe it's better for (Y/n) to have short, neat hair so it won't get tangled.

"Ugh, they did this to me. I didn't ask for it."

"hah, so an ugly duckling like you can transform into this." Jean spatted out which get him a hard punch on the guts from (Y/n).

Reiner and Bertholdt happened to be strolling the area. Bertholdt, being the boy who has a huge crush on Annie, didn't really react much towards (Y/n) but Reiner? The boy who accidentally kissed her? He totally went red and escaped from the situation. He did think that (Y/n) looked so precious though.

Armin invited you to go to the market street with him and his two childhood friends, he was looking for something. So you tagged along.

The sun hung in the cloudless sky. Its golden ray hits (Y/n) like a slap in the face, they could say it's an unusually hot afternoon. (Y/n) dragged her feet along, following the trio. She felt like melting from the weather.

How in the world Mikasa can bear the weather with the red scarf around her.

"You're awesome, Mikasa." (Y/n) pats Mikasa's shoulder. Making the black-haired girl tilted her head in response.

They roamed the market for another more minutes then (Y/n) heard the sound of horse footsteps. She glanced at the noise direction and she is familiar with the person riding it.

"MICHE!" (Y/n) shouted, running after the horse.

"(Y-Y/n)?!" Her friends tried to take her hand.

Miche sniffed the scent and heard (Y/n)'s voice so he stopped his horse then he watched the little girl being closer. Miche gets off from the horse then gave (Y/n) a hug before lifting her up. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were dumbfounded but once they saw the wings of freedom badge, they could guess. They are being kind enough to let (Y/n) have some moments alone with the soldier.

"What brings you here?" (Y/n) smiled at the soft giant.

"The commander sent me off to deliver something for you. Are they your..."

"Friends? Yes."

Miche puts (Y/n) down. Then opened his mouth to say, "You look different."

"The girls did this." (Y/n) puts on her poker face. Miche nodded then he gave the box to (Y/n). She opened it and found a new shirt and a letter. It says that this is Erwin's late birthday gift for her.  (Y/n) smiled at the gift and thanked Miche for bringing it to her.

Miche couldn't stay for long so after he gave the box, he pats (Y/n)'s head and told her he needs to go back. (Y/n) went back to her friends and get questions from them.

Not a bad day off at all.

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