Chapter Twenty Two - Lost

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[ Levi's POV ]

What the fuck did that shitty four eyes do to make this brat passed out? Wait. But, this is not the first or second time something similar occurred. Maybe I need to discuss this with Erwin. This brat is, legally, his adoptive daughter after all and he was the one who picked her from the slum she was living in. He probably has more insight into the case out of anyone else.

"I really did nothing, she just went yelling about how she remembers something before passing out," Hange explained to me and Erwin who are now checking on (Y/n).

"...This is not the first time, Erwin." I mumbled, leaning onto the wall with my arms crossed.

"I am aware of it." Erwin seemed to be deep in thought.

"...Is there any possibility of her being used as an illegal experiment or something back then?" That shitty four eyes asked.

I'm not surprised if that happened at one point in her life. She has a shitty father and environment growing up. There is no guarantee her mother was any better too.

"Could be," Erwin responded.

He wanted to speak more but someone came and told him it's time for a meeting. The three of us know we can't skip the meeting so we had to leave the brat alone for now.

The meeting went for 3 hours, mainly discussing the latest expedition. As soon as it was done, Erwin, Hange, and I decided to check up on the brat again. Hopefully, she's already awake. But when Erwin knocked, there was no answer which only means she hasn't woken up yet.

Erwin slowly opened the door, we expect her to be sleeping but she is in fact, awake. But...

"Oi, brat."

She's sitting on her chair, opening her journal, and scratching it. I took a quick look on some pages she ripped off of the book and it was all just random lines and circles.

"I can not remember it. I can't. No."

"Brat-" I was about to snap her out from her weird phase but she suddenly swung her pen on my direction. I grabbed her wrist in reflex and could not believe what I just saw. Did she just try to attack me with the sharp part of her pen?

Is this what teenagers do these days?

"Oi, (Y/n)." I tightened my grasp on her wrist because she keeps on trying to bring it closer to me. I stared into her eyes, it's like her body is awake but not her soul.

I glanced at my two comrades. They seemed to be taken aback too. With a heavy heart, I raised my other hand and gave her a slap.


"Snap out of it, brat."

She touched her red cheek then raised her chin and looked around.

"Aniki...? Hange... Erwin."

Ah, finally awake.

"Huh? What was I doing? Wait. Just how many papers are wasted for this random things?! Who did this?!" She took a few papers and seemed to be irritated. Well, she does cherish her notebooks. Especially the one Erwin gave her.

"(Y/n). You passed out at Hange's lab and you were about to attack Levi and you were the one who did... This." Erwin glanced at the paper then gets straight to the point. "What happened?

"... Did I?" (Y/n) genuinely looked confused and lost.

"I hope you are not lying," Erwin stated.

"I'm not. Believe me. You have to believe me. I really don't remember... No. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important but I can't-" The brat is holding her head with a panicked expression.

"Levi, Hange. I'm sorry but I'd like to speak alone with (Y/n)."


[ Erwin's POV ]

I believe that (Y/n) has no reason to lie. I can see how genuine her eyes were as well. But, something still doesn't make any sense. Let's assume something. Her mother was found outside the wall, supposedly there is another life out there, why would they hide it from us?

Or maybe, they could have been wiped out by titans and (Y/n)'s mother was the sole survivor? Could it be that she was telling (Y/n) this? But somehow it caused a trauma which leads to her getting semi-amnesiac episodes?


I take a look at (Y/n). She is just staring down at the floor with blank eyes. Somehow, I feel a little pain in my heart. Strange.


"I'm sorry. Fuck. I'm sorry." She dugs her nails into her own skin, making it bleeds.

I usually would care less about this but, not towards this child...No, she may no longer be a child but even so, I took her hands and tried my best to wear a comforting look.

"Stop. It won't do you any good."


"(Y/n), tell me anything. Anything you remember before you passed out."

"I can't. I just know that I remembered something but then it's like... I dreamed of something and now I lost it. I can't remember anything else, Erwin. I even tried looking at my journals, my notebooks but now they didn't trigger any memories and what's worse is, I don't even know what or why I'm writing certain things there! Please trust me. Please believe in me, Erwin." (Y/n) desperately explained herself.

If something is forced to be hidden, most of the time they are something valuable. Whatever (Y/n) is forgetting about... It must be valuable. How valuable are they? What caused her to forget it again.

"....I'll go back to Training Corps." (Y/n) stood up and taking out her jacket with the Training Corps badge from her hanger.

"No." I stopped her. "You are in no condition to go back. If you still insisting, you can go back tomorrow as you said before. I won't hold you back from going back to the Training Corps but not in a condition like this."

She gave me a look which says, "why? You don't trust me."

I shook my head.

"I do believe in you. You have no reason to fabricate something. If you did, you won't tell Hange you remembered about something before you passed out."


Silence overtook the room. I bent down then put my hands over hers.

"I trust my daughter."


"Get some rest. For now, don't force yourself to remember. It's going to be okay."

"....Thank you... Dad." She mumbled the last word quietly.

I gave her one last smile before I pat her head and leave her.

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